Gastritis Medication

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Was wondering about anyone that had an endoscopy and was told their stomach lining was inflamed what meds or action was to be taken. Also is it a long recovery process ?

Thx for any feedback 💜

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi robin, ive had an endoscopy with a similar diagnosis...mild gastritis. You should he given omoprazole usually in 40mg dose until your stomach heals up. It suppresses the acid and keeps it down and from irritating your stomach lining etc. I'm on them for life now but only a low dose of 10mg it's just to keep the acid reflux at bay and they have no side effects at all in fairness, but that's in my experience anyway. They should of also tested you for h pylori but that's usually just precautionary, mine was negative and as i say i was given omoprazole and it took about a month for it to clear up and heal without too much pain and discomfort. Hope this helps!!
    • Posted

      Thx Andy

      I was tested for Hpylori 6 months ago had severe nausea with some lightheaded ness was told that my head fogginess was due to nausea. I have seen many important specialist all normal findings. Have to wait for another 4.5 months to see a GI. My GP says could be gastritis due to my severe Hpylori . I am taking a med in the same family as yours called Lansoprazole .

      I hate traditional meds and try to take natural products but I know I am also tired of suffering!

      I retested in Jan and my Hpylori is eradicated but my nausea is still present. Went from a 9 to now be a 4-5 . I have been pushing my GP to do even more tests to which all come back negative. He gave me some Flagyl but I lasted 2 days on this got even worse . I spoke to a pharmacist that told me to not take them and stick to my PPI's until I see a GI .

      Just wondered what others that were told they have gastritis via a scope have to do?

      Not eager to have a scope but know it's best... how did you find having the scope was ?


    • Posted

      Robin, I have had three endoscophys in my time, try not to worry about them. Twice, I had a sedation but the third i wasn't offered it so had a tablet from the doctors to calm me. It is over with fairly quickly so try not to worry. I was prescribed omeprezole which was ok for a while but i started to have side effects like anxiety and over gassy stomach so went to zantac, but that gave me nausea now and again especially in the morning. I stayed with this tablet. Iseem to be better but having a hernia i still feel discomfort at times but i am eating quite normally again now but wary it may flare up again. Everyone is different in how long it takes to heal and what tablets are best for them. Diet is important like avoiding fatty foods, alcohol, chocolate, fizzy drinks, and having your bed raised. The recovery progress varies for people but mine was a good four months i would say.
    • Posted

      Hi Pink

      Thanks for the vote of confidence with the endoscopy.Was it a quick recovery for the scope ?

      If you had to do it again which would you do the sedation or the pill to calm you?

      You mentioned you had a 4 month recovery was it for the hernia.... they don't do anything with that . Dud you have any other diagnosis?

      Appreciate your feedback ☺️

    • Posted


      Yes, as for recovery after endoscophy goes, it all goes back to normal, if you had sedation you are given a bit of time to come around and you obviously need someone to take you home. I personally preferred the sedation, but i am quite a nervous person!

      They just diagnosed mild gastitis with me and moderater hernia. The four months was for the gastitis, the first month i didnt really have any symptoms apart from nausea and the odd loss of appetite, later, i actually lost my appetite for quite a few weeks which worried me at the time, but i was told this comes with gastitis! The burning came after when i had eaten. I personally think medication can add to your symptoms, so beware it might. Prior to the endoscophy you have to go medication free two weeks before

    • Posted

      Thx so much Pink .. even though I still have 5 months to wait unless I get a call if they get a cancellation before this time would be great. I just don't like the thought of a tube going down my throat sad

      I did hear that you have to go off your PPI before the procedure... if I had it my way I would not get it but I need to know what is still causing me nausea.

      I am guessing and going by my GP's guess my stomach got inflamed. Supposedly for months before I was detected of the HPrylori I was so sick with severe nausea and dizziness. I did have a CTScan plus they did rule out anything neurological and no vertigo .

      I cant believe how long you have to wait to get in to a GI here in Canada!

      Your in the UK did you wait long?

      i did take more antibiotics in the last few days but got even sicker the only reason I took them is I read that some get treated for gastritis with antibiotics and I pushed my doc to give me them. I had to stop and will remain on PPI for a bit to see if this will help ease the acid in my belly so if I do have gastritis it will heal better with my acid reduced.

      i did stop my PPI but I got heartburn at night that was effecting my sleep so I went back on but asked to take only 15mg instead of the norm for my PPI of 30 mg.

      At this point with all the chronic nausea I just want a day of being normal and not having upset .

      Most medical professionals take my symptoms has no big deal and tell me to push through the nausea... easier said then done !

      Do you have to go get another scope and did your GI act like it was no big deal with what was diagnosed ?

      Do you know how you contracted your sickness both hernia and gastritis ?

      This forum has been so helpful everyone has been through something I don't feel so alone .

      Thx again 🎀


    • Posted

      Hello Robin

      Yes I am in the uk, I requested a endoscophy, they wouldn't have given it to me so soon if i didnt ask, i only waited about five weeks from asking, I can't believe you have to wait five months! I only had it in February and was diagnosed with mild gastitis, so for now no more endoscophys, but if it returned and got bad I would try and get another one. Im not sure about how i got my hernia, pregnancy perhaps didnt help. As for the gastitis a number of things can cause it, coffee, the hernia, alcohol, (i drink but not excessively!), hormones (Im at that age), stress, or it could have been a combination of things. I hated the nausea, but if you have inflammation you will at times feel nausea. Yes this site really does help doesn't it!

    • Posted

      Thanks Pink for your reply ,,,, actually the city I am in is a major big city in Canada

      and I had to wait 10 months for my GI appointment , I said 5 months because that is

      all I have left to wait, I am not an urgent case by medical standards due to my only symptom being chronic nausea and lightheaded,

      I was wondering how people on the forum got gastritis ,,, I know mine if that is what is causing my nausea would have been from the stomach bacteria infection Hpylori ,.Dont wish this feeling on anyone.I have been pregnant and had bad morning sickness but nothing like this, I am nauseated as soon as I awake but it has gotten better I can sleep all night when it first started last Sept I could maybe get 2 hrs then wake up in discomfort and I was not able to move or get out of bed for at least 4 months, I was that sick was told I had a severe case of Hpylori found out through a blood test. I wish my nausea was only sometimes.This is why I previously posted I forget how it is to be normal feeling minus an upset tummy everyday.

      Have a good day 💜

    • Posted

      Poor you feeling so nauseated. I am sorry your wait for endoscophy is so long, it is nice to get it diagnosed asap for peace of mind and to know,what is going on. My doctor prescibed the drugs to treat it but i wanted to be diagnosed with endoscophy to know for sure. I was given blood test to check for hyplori and it was negative, but when i had endoscophy they did a biopsy to check it as they said it was a more accurate way to, but i still didnt have it.
  • Posted

    Hi Robin, Ive had two endoscopys and both times i had the throat spray (anaesthetic) it just numbs your throat and windpipe and has zero after effects as opposed to sedation where you obviously will feel a bit woosy. You dont actually feel the scope going in but admittedly i did belch and gag when they were prbing around my stomach etc. This was largely due to having a hiatus hernia though i was informed by the endoscopist. They pretty much give you results there and then and advise you to take PPI's until everything has settled. Everybody differs in recovery, mine was only around 4 weeks on fairly high dose of omoprazole but as pinkcat says hers was longer. As youve pointed out yourself its to keep the acid at bay so your stomach can completely heal. As far as im aware once you have gastro problems you will pretty much always have them!! Just finding out what manages it best for you.Eating well and the meds have worked for me so i hope that everything works out for you. My advice is dont be scared of the endoscopy its natural to be anxious of course but its well worth the gain of knowing exactly whats going on inside. You can actually see your insides on the onitor as they carry out the cant put a price on peace of mind.......GOOD LUCK!
    • Posted

      Thanks Andy .... I wish I was on this site 8 months ago when I was in dire need to chat with people that went through what I am going through 💛


  • Posted

    Hola Robin.

    Well... I do not know how long it will take to recover from stomach irritation because a lot depends on the cause I believe. However, i do know how painful it es. My GI doctor prescribed prilosec but it did not help me.I started taking 100% pure aloe juice and I noticed that it started helping with in about a week. It can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Walgreens etc. and es less than $11.00 per gallon. I can not promise that it will help but, I believe that it es worth a try. I had very severe gastritis and it did help me greatly. I wish for you the very best my friend. Should you deci de to try it, b please let me know if it helps.

    • Posted


      I thank you for your reply and suggestions.

      I take Aloe Vera juice everyday plus slippery elm bark and probiotic supplements.

      I do have better days then I did 5 months ago but the fact the nausea exists after this long bothers me sad

      I also take Lansoprazole same family as Prilosec

      I took that too for about 2 weeks preferred the Lansoprazole.

      How much of the Aloe juice dud you take maybe I am not taking enough cuz I have been taking it for months.

      I put it in my smoothies every morning I take about 4 tablespoons a day in my drink !

      I do believe my stomach issues were caused by a severe case of Hypylori bacteria that is gone now. It's been gone for the last 4 months now to get rid of the chronic nausea smile


    • Posted

      Hola the Robin

      Actually, I drank 1/2 cup there times a day but, did no mix it with anything. The taste es no that great but, you will get use to it. In fact, you may even feel nauseous after drinking it. I could even feel a slight burn after drink it until the stomach began to heal. I had to use promethazine suppositories for the nausea. the only drawback with that the sleepiness that followed. I had had terrible side effects from Reglan. I hope that I have answered your question thoroughly.

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