Gastritis Pain?

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Hi all. I went to my doctors Friday for a pain under my right rib that wraps around to my back and she said it was gastritis. She prescribed me Zantac for it. She also did a liver exam, pressing on my side and making me breathe in and out, and said my liver felt fine. However, I'm starting to feel some discomfort under my left rib and it also wraps around to my back. Not an excruciating pain just an annoying ache. Is this also from the gastritis? I've been googling symptoms and I'm definitely not liking what I'm seeing 😣. Google isn't my friend, that's what my doctor told me lol. Also, last month I had blood drawn for a CBC and a liver and kidney function test - all which came out normal.  Thank you!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I have his similar pains that go to back.... I had an ultrasound and CT scan of abdomen and pelvis... all was normal...

    Docotors are telling me mine is stress and anxiety causing the pain. No tests have shown anything for me. I would just go and get a CT scan for you own piece of mind. I do know the more you worry, it will create new pains.

    • Posted

      I am having the same pain. Does your pain start after you have ate. I had endoscopy, 3 ultrasounds and 2 cat scans in the past year and I still don't have a diagnosis, and the pain is getting worse.

    • Posted

      I've always had indigestion. But lately it's been more consistent. I finally got the Zantac today and took 1 dose of it so I'm just waiting see how it works. I got back Oct 3rd. She said if I don't feel a difference they'll do a sonogram on my gallbladder and stomach.

    • Posted

      I haven't notice it worse after eating. I definitely feel worse if I don't eat though. Mine seems to be worse in the morning but hopefully this Zantac will help! I'm sorry to hear you're still in pain! I hope you are able to find relief soon!!!

    • Posted

      Sorry pat68509, I thought that to me. My apologies!
    • Posted

      I'm still trying to figure that out.... it seems to be all over and comes and goes. Dr thought I had ulcer but I had an upper GI series and there wasn't anything! :-(

  • Posted

    I have similar pains, ct scans normal as well. I actually got a massage and she worked on my lower back and it helped. Gastritis def can wrap around like that.
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      Mhmm, I will definitely have to look into a massage! 
  • Posted

    I think much of this is stress and anxiety induced as so many have same symptoms with no diagnosis.

    The only thing I'm going to check next is an MRI on back as bulging disk can cause this type of pain that moves around.

    Accupuncture does help me as well

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      Meant to say that I do have anxiety, I have Zoloft for it but yet to start it. I need to get a move on with that. 
    • Posted

      Well if you have anxiety, good chance that's what this is? Have you recently gone through something stressful?

    • Posted

      I have tons of anxiety due to a husband. The Dr thinks now ma be pancreatitis next test mra Thx
    • Posted

      Well CT scan will show that if is.... however def could be your anxiety and stress
    • Posted

      My Grammy passed away in July. I've never had someone close to me pass and it was very sudden and quick. I haven't really been the same since. I have Zoloft but have yet to take it. I need to.

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