Gastritis pain :(

Posted , 5 users are following.

Hi all,

I’ve been taking Naxprofen for around 3 weeks and it’s resulted in severe abdominal pain that the doctor thinks is Gastritis. 

The symptoms seem to get better in the evening but are unbelievably bad during the night... I’ve been waking up with pains and bad nausea. How do I go about combatting this? I’ve slept around 4 hours in the last 3 days sad

Any advice would be appreciated!


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have gastritis as well I take Tylenol pm at night when the symptoms seem to be worse. It’s the only thing that helps me sleep 
  • Posted

    Did your doctor give you any meds? For acute gastritis my doctor, besides telling me to avoid the cause of irritation, usually puts me on a proton pump inhibitor like Protonix. 
    • Posted

      I’m on Lansoprazole. Just started it properly so hoping that helps smile 
  • Posted

    Lansoprezole is a harsh side effect med, if you can tolerate more power to you. If you have any side effects especially diarrhea, tell your doctor and stop taking immediatly. So, anyway I have the same issues as you. I suggest take your meda before bedtime, aloe vera juice is great for gastritis, no alcohol, onions, tomatoes, spicy food, and dairy. 
  • Posted

    Describe the nature of pain. Is it like cramp or like someone punched you or like burning? And where do you feel pain, upper or lower abdomen?

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