Gastritis suddenly worse and won't settle down.

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Hi, feeling pretty grim as having flare-up of gastritis. All started several years ago with severe pain in the night. Following that, I have had periodic attacks. After making some lifestyle changes (including not eating after 6.30pm) and taking long-term omeprazole, my periodic attacks reduced to less painful and more related to bloating, belching and feeling uncomfortable. I recently had a period of around 6 months without a major flare-up and was feeling pretty happy about that. Recently, my stress levels have gone up due to having to go back to work despite covid rates rising, so maybe that has contributed to me suddenly having 2 attacks close together - the second of which has caused nearly 2 weeks of daily discomfort. It got a little better every day and I have been able to go from eating tiny amounts (usually in drink form or very mushy foods) to eating a bit more normally, only for the discomfort to resume today. I am feeling it will go on forever. In the past, I sought medical help and had some investigations but nothing very exciting found - excess acid (hence the omeprazole), a bit of inflammation, a negative h pylori test. I felt I was then given the brush off and just told to take even more omeprazole. Tonight, I am feeling sad at the the though of all the family meals I cannot properly participate in, and social occasions made so much more difficult if i cannot just eat like everyone else.

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    Hi mairi72686, I am experiencing the same thing and I completely understand how you feel. Nibbling on some side dish when everyone else are having the wonderful main curse... It's just not fair. I've been having this issues for the past 38 years. I am 55 now and have manage to reduce the discomfort to minimum. I eat out and try to be very careful about what I choose on the menu. You know how it is, if

    I eat out or at a gathering of some kind that they cook with some ingredient that I shouldn't eat, I pay for it for days. I know there is relief out there some where to stop this once and for all it's just the matter of finding it.

    Good luck

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