Gastritis - with totally different symptoms?

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I've had gastritis for roughly 6 or 7 years and it seems impossible to eliminate. I have had 2 edoscopies (each took 2 biopsies from 2 locations). Both times, I tested negative for any infections. The first endoscopy was done in 2010, the last was about a month ago (February 2016). Both times I was diagnosed with gastritis. The thing I don't understand is - when I research symptoms, I don't have ANY of those listed. In fact, the foods that many sites urge patients to eat to help heal the gut, I have terrible reactions to and cannot eat at all. 

My symptoms are basically: inability to digest food without feeling overwhelmingly fatigued, in many cases (depending on the food item) my eyelids swell and I pass out. I've been tested for food allergies. I have none. I have an "intolerance" to gluten, lactose, soy, ginger, vanilla, shellfish, bananas, pineapple, kale, broccoli, cabbage, chicken, pork, etc. the list goes on... 

Honestly, the only issue I'm having is the swelling of the eyelids and passing out. The severity varies depending on the food item I'm attempting to digest. 

The fact that I have no food allergies and keep getting gastritis diagnoses (without any reflux, heartburn, nausea, etc.) is perplexing to say the least. 

I have been suffering with this for far too long. 6 or 7 years is intolerable. Is there anyone out there who can point me in a direction that might help me solve this riddle?! I miss being able to eat food like a normal person. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you been tested for helicabacter, sounds similar to symptoms I had and that was the culprit
    • Posted

      I tested negative for any infections, helicabacter is the H. Pylori Infection, right?
    • Posted

      That's worse isn't it when they don't find anything? I don't know how many times I've had bloods back normal but you know your sick
    • Posted

      Yes!! Absolutely. My gastroenterologist wants a follow-up, so hopefully we'll go from there. It's beyond frustrating. This many years is far too long. I see people online complaining about having issues for just a few months, saying they can't live with it any longer and I'm like... if only you knew! smile
  • Posted

    I had the similar problems. The only difference was that I got nasal congestion after eating most foods (about 90 minutes after). I didn't pass out but was lightheaded.

    Many times gastritis is diagnosed (it was for me too) but the real reason is too litle stomach acid. From what I've read it is that the food stays in the stomach undigested for too long due to the lack of stomack acid. Since there still is some acid present and it is in the stomack fot too long it causes the gastritis symptoms.

    I solved my problems with apple cider vinegar. Google it for more info.

    Test how much you need with each meal. It shouldn't burn you in the stomack.

    • Posted

      I will definitely get back on ACV. Like I said, the issue has been ongoing for many years. I took a shot of ACV every day for nearly a year with no improvements. The swelling eyelids/passing out doesn't wait that long. It's like, while I'm eating, the moment it hits my stomach. Not hours later. It's so confusing!
  • Posted

    Hi. I too have very poor digestion which gives me congestion and

    Sinusitis almost immediately after eating certain foods. I too have stomach inflammation (have had for 20 years) but do find the more I heal my

    stomach lining, the better digestion/sinusitis. I am also unable to have

    any of the gut healing foods as well apart from kefir which I have just

    started. I also can get very bad fatigue if I consume hard to digest foods.

  • Posted

    Not even eat food like a normal person, I think the worst is trying to keep a social life going and friends as I have to let them down a lot considering how I'm feeling, then you can get very lonely 🤕

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