gastroenterology department (mri)
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today i recieved a letter from MRI inviting me to the gastroenterology department next monday, letter dosent explain why, recently had barium meal exray and endoscopy found reflux and food stuck on test and i have chronic inflammation but low end of normal also found im low normal in my zinc levels. there is no leaflet or information to suggest any test are happening only says if i require medication i can pick it up from pharmacy and to be prepared to wait as they can get busy, my question is anyone have any idea whats going to or could happen. just so im prepared for any eventuallity
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pippa58442 catladyof3
catladyof3 pippa58442
pippa58442 catladyof3
rocky31676 catladyof3
i have chronic inflammation but low end of normal
catladyof3 rocky31676
not sure what you mean when you say indicated, all this started in january last year when a new dr i saw was shocked i had been on omeprazole for a diagnosed dudenal ulcer 32 years ago, she took me of them saying research showed long term use killed the good bacteria in the gut and that the ulcer would have healed, i was fine for a few monthes, got a sudden onset of burning from my throat to my stomach and down my back, gaviscon i was prescribed had no effect, a month on lansparole had no effect what so ever even combining with other ant acids so put back on omeprazole, because of my family history, mum died of throat cancer dad stomach cancer i was rushed through via paps (i think), after having the endoscopy i was took of paps,as no signs of cancer found but was to wait for results of the 8 biopsies taken, next test was the barium meal xray which showed i had reflux and food not going down completly, he also said that my osephegus didnt empty completly and to drink something with my meals to help, i can now judge when to come of the omeprazole and when to restart them. through this site and other searching i have learnt that long term use of this medication can create and mask other conditions, over the years of being on those tablets there were times i came of by myself then restarted when i felt the heartburn/dyspepsia and stomach pains. makes me wonder if in multi dr practises where you rarely see the surgery dr but a locum if any one actually reads notes, the times i had to say i cant be prescribed this or that is rediculous, even when i got called in for a drug review its "what can i do for you" ermm drug review, "oh right any unwanted side effects, blood pressure, "ok carry on as you are"
sanya11314 catladyof3
Sounds as if you weren't aware, that your doc or gastroenterologist referred you to MRI and they just informed you about appointment.?
We btw had to fight to get the wonderful imaging of MRI done even have to pay privately. It's another tool, free of radiation, for imaging, to get closer to an answer.
There is MRI enterography, which looks at the guts and hence you get some half liter to drink for contrasting (the guts) and iv some medication like buscopan (so that guts don't move too much and distort pics) and gadolinium contrast.
Or there is normal abdominal MRI without fluid to drink to check surroundings, angles, blood vessles, diameters, mostly also with gadolinium contrast and buscopan.
All the best!
I wonder which form of MRI you will get done. Just basic plain look in area, enterography or angio/venogram? (not to confuse with invasive angiographie)
catladyof3 sanya11314
sanya11314 catladyof3
then it's not an enterography,
just a plain MRI it seems.
For normal MRI (to look at organs and structures as a basic 'look around' you don't need to fast, for venogramm and angiogramm either. (The enterography needs fasting to have the liquid coat the walls and distend the guts usually.)
I love MRIs, it's really a great imaging technique.
catladyof3 sanya11314