Gastroparesis anyone else with symptoms.
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Hi all just wondring if this is common in Peri.. IM really struggling with food and have been for 10 months since the worst of my symtoms started. Can only eat a small amount at a time.. Everything i eat makes me feel bloated and seems to take hours to leave my stomach. Also seem to get alot of stomach pains , heartburn etc. Ive cut out all caffine, sugar.. etc. I also have ME and POTS and both have been made worse by Peri. Ive always had eating issues due to the above mentioned when they are in flare.. but its just gone to all new level with Peri getting so bad. Any advise etc would be great.
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Guest littleme1969
Have you done a stomach empyting study? That would be first. Do you take meds for heartburn like PPI's (Nexium, etc?). If so, this can actually make your heartburn worse and it can also cause other things like anxiety. When I tried nexium it made me crazy, wild heart palps, startling awake, that sort of thing.
I've started a regime of drinking celery juice in the morning, (fresh juiced and drank right away). It's pretty awful, but supposed to be a good cleanse for your digestion. I'm also making smoothies in my blender with frozen wild Maine blueberries (has to be this type, you can find them on Amazon or Jet). I use strawberries and almond milk, but the most important part are those blueberries. Supposed to be very good for your immune system and other things.
I think I have ME, I found out I have reactivated EBV, so think that started with peri and not sleeping, and escalated out of control turning into ME or something dreadful. Since finally figuring out that it's not all peri related (or probably is since it's making everything worse) and doing the celery juice and blueberry smoothies, I've had a few not so bad weeks. Of course I might be cycling and it can hit at any time. I also stopped the bioidentical hormone cream for now because I read that hormones can actually feed the virus but I'm still taking the progesterone oral to sleep at night.
Also, do you drink lemon juice? This can help alkaline your stomach as well. I squeeze a half of an organic lemon in warm water and drink twice a day.
Hope some of these things may help you!
karen77710 littleme1969
Hi I have stomach reflux really bad, have had it about 15 years and ya my symptoms and flare ups are the times worst and I'm in menapause. I just watch what I eat and eat little and often. Take anti acids after every meal and try sleeping sat up xx
jackie33067 littleme1969
Yes, you're definitely not alone with those symptoms. I've had early fullness since I had one of my ovaries removed in January (no doubt the start of the perimenopause for me.)
I wish I could give you some rememdies, but other than eating small meals, I'm not sure I have any other suggestions. Digestive enzymes and peppermint capsules sometimes help. And oddly I find that having a glass of wine with dinner really improves my digestion. Maybe because it relaxes me (I've heard from my GI doctor that stress can also cause slow digestion.)
I haven't had a gastric emptying test since they really only prescribe medication for more severe cases--which I don't think I am.
Good luck. Sorry you're going through this too.
tmpearce littleme1969
I have and am having all of your mentioned symptoms. It started about 3 years ago and I've been dealing with it off and on ever since.....burning stomach, esophagus and even burning tongue, feeling full really easy and feeling like the food takes forever to leave my stomach,bloating especially at the end of the day, belching, lump in my chest and throat feeling and sometimes just no appetite.
I had colonoscopy and endoscopy a year ago. Colonoscopy normal and endoscopy looked good visually but biopsies showed chronic gastritis and some inflammation in duodenum. I also had UGI with barium swallow, Gastric emptying study and gall bladder ultrasound...all of which were normal.
Took PPI for about 4 weeks but stopped it because it felt like I had virtually no stomach acid and food not digesting. Now Intake Ranitidine 150mg twice a day and sometimes take liquid Rolaids at bedtime, which has both magnesium and calcium in it.
Its been very frustrating and from day one I've believed that all my stomach symptoms are hormone related. I never had an issue with acid reflux in my life, even with pregnancy and a few years it just shows up! I will have a good 6-8 days with really bad symptoms where no matter what I do, nothing helps. I pretty much live on lean chicken, rice, quinoa and spinach during those times. Then it gets better and I feel good for a few weeks and then it happens again, The reason I'm sure it's hormone related is because also during that 6-8 day period I have crashing fatigue, extreme health anxiety (I become obsessed with my symptoms and what they could be), waking up 4-5 times per night with night flashes (not sweats, just hot), feeling like my brain can't focus and fuzzy headed. Then one morning I will wake up feeling better, with these symptoms 80% gone....until the next time.
I don't eat sugar, caffeine, fried or processed foods. I eat gluten free and have very little dairy. I try to stay away from white carbs too. It's a struggle and I'm hoping there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I just came out of one of these spells and yesterday was the first day in a week I've felt half decent. The week before, I was sure I was dying.
What helps me is ginger tea, or a tea called stomach ease tea. I have also used digestive enzymes or natural papaya enzymes with my meals. These help with carbohydrate and protein digestion. I don't use them all the time but they do help a bit. Also, taking a probiotic might help.
Sorry for the long reply..your post touches close to home with me. I know what you are going through. Hang in there...🙂
bridget67906 tmpearce
I have exactly the sane symptoms as your started about a year ago. endoscopy and colonoscopy normal. PPI's cause more problems. I wonder if it is related to my menopause. or,
susan10342 tmpearce
tmpearce, this thread is 4 years old so I'm hopeful that a) You have seen improvement in your symptoms, and b) You will see this response.
I thought I was reading about myself, your description fits me well.
I am praying this awful burning mouth, which I believe is being caused by gastroparesis, which in turn has been caused by hormone fluctuations because I am post menopausal, will eventually settle down.
Have you seen any changes over the last 4 years, did it get better?
tmpearce littleme1969
I don't know why my previous reply is waiting to be moderated? I suspect it may be that I used a brand name.
Ive not had any investigation mainly due to the fact ive been so ill, the 5 min ride to the ocs in the car as been hard so the prospect on a few hours travels then waiting around and being poked fills me with total dread
A lot of the points you all made backed up my own findings... talking to much stomach meds did make it worse .. ive ended up just sleeping propped up and only use basic TUMS and peppermint capsules as they seemed to be the only things have helped. Making sure i eat small amounts regular like you have said seems the only way forward though i have to say its not easy when your faced with a child sized portion of sunday lunch and you can still only manage half of it.. and even then you feel so bloated and have stomach cramps
also add in ive taken out most of the things i like to eat..... maybe its just natures way of making sure we dont get fat going through
Its definitely hormone related as it ets worst when my other symptoms are bad and all this only kicked off when Peri kicked in big time. I think the hardest thing is not knowing when and if all this is going to settle... the thought of being stuck like this long term fills me full of total dred
mm7674 littleme1969
I am 43 (44 in a month). I have been experiencing the effects of perimenopause for at least two years if not longer. Headaches, ovarian cysts, stomach issues, occasional dizziness, tingling etc...However, I have been struggling with symptoms of gastritis in the past couple of years. There are days when I eat and I become so inflamed that I have to lay down. Then I am so full and bloated that I cannot eat again for the rest of the day. I think the only way for me to properly explain it is "inflamed". I feel so inflamed in my upper stomach that I am terribly uncomfortable. I'm burping a lot more with some mild stomach burning....No GERD though.
It scares me a bit. I did have some stress related gastritis last spring (February/March of 2020). I had both an abdomen ultrasound and an endoscopy and nothing was found. Not sure what to think. My recent symptoms are not stress related, but considering I had tests performed 8 months ago....I am not too worried.
My stomach troubles are not triggered by any specific foods (per say). Perhaps they are triggered by the erratically fluctuating hormones?
I do feel like I am lacking in stomach acid. I know I have a difficult time absorbing B-12. I wonder if stomach acid and perimenopause/menopause go hand in hand? A lack of stomach acid can also cause the same symptoms as too much stomach acid.
I don't feel tired or lack energy...So, I don't know what's up? Maybe estrogen dominance? My OB told me I was estrogen dominant because of my ovarian cysts.
Is anyone else experiencing these symptoms?