Genital Herpes: Useful info for those looking for answers like me!
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Ever since I suspected genital herpes (GH) and was recently confirmed to be going through a primary outbreak of HSV-2 (ugh, the "bad" one), I have been researching the topic like crazy! Guess that's a pretty normal thing to do, lol, and I'm sure many others here have done the same.
Anyway, I thought it would be helpful to share everything that I have learnt thus far, and I will continue to add to this thread as I come across more useful, interesting and/or relevant info.
Genital HSV symptoms
Testing for HSV
Does having one HSV type protect you against the other?
Autoinnoculation (self-contagion to other areas)
When is genital HSV most contagious?
Genital HSV transmission risk
Antiviral meds for genital HSV
Natural treatments for genital HSV
Genital HSV and increased risk of HIV
Transmission risk via inanimate objects, swimming and blood
Genital herpes and menstruation
Genital herpes and BV and yeast infections
Is there a vaccine for HSV-1/2?
Possible complications of genital herpes
88 likes, 535 replies
Everyone knows what the "classic" symptoms are supposed to look and feel like. The problem with genital HSV, however, is that the symptoms often do not look or feel like textbook cases!
Lesions can range from the classic blitster cluster, scattered blisters (not clustered) to a single blister, which ulcerate and scab over (if on normal skin, like the penis or buttocks).
Lesions may also bypass the blister phase entirely and produce instant ulcers (especially inside a woman's labia where the skin is moist), resemble a regular pimple or ingrown hair, or appear as a small fissure/tear. They can also be pinhead-sized.
As a result, if you have anything suspicious and are concerned or freaking out - especially if accompanied by flu-like symptoms, swollen/tender lymph nodes in the groin area and/or burning urination within 2-20 days of possible exposure (incubation period) - the best thing to do is to get yourself tested.
NSFW photos of a typical female infection -
Where lesions are present in a primary outbreak, these tend to be bilateral (both sides of the body's centre line) and at the site of inoculation (e.g., cervix, vaginal opening, labia, perineum, anus, penis head/shaft, or penile base if contracted while wearing a condom).
I have read that genital HSV-1 may produce a more severe primary outbreak than genital HSV-2, but is known to recur far less (0-1 times per year vs 5-6 times per year on average). Subsequent outbreaks for both types tend to be milder and resolve more quickly, and become less frequent over time.
Prodrome warning signs (which precede an outbreak by a few hours to 1-2 days) - like itching, burning, tingling and/or shooting nerve pain - do not always occur, but when they do, it is usually in the case of recurrent outbreaks.
Recurrent lesions, should they develop, tend to be near or within the original site and unilateral (on one side; the side can switch with each outbreak), but can also appear anywhere in the boxer short area.
An outbreak is considered to be over when all symptoms and lesions have resolved and the skin fully healed.
josiphine24649 FelizCastus
FelizCastus josiphine24649
suky70274 FelizCastus
lindsay60773 FelizCastus
davidlin FelizCastus
FelizCastus davidlin
J.Z21 FelizCastus
I had my first outbreak and it was horrible. I'm not sure if I'm having a second outbreak. I got the itch and tingle but still a few days later no blisters ulcers or lesions. I do have red spots on my corona but it's bilateral. And then I have smaller red bumps all over my head which I had once before (apparently from vigorous masturbation). I had some redness but it went away for the most part. My main issue is Just now an occasional itch and and rarely a burning at my urethra tip. I was thinking maybe balintis , yeast infection, or contact dermatitis. I recently used ky jelly for masturbation. Never used it before.
FelizCastus J.Z21
J.Z21 FelizCastus
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FelizCastus J.Z21
If you tested 14 for Type 1 at the time of your genital outbreak, then that is definitely not a new infection (older than 3 months, potentially years old). That much I can say.
J.Z21 FelizCastus
FelizCastus J.Z21
J.Z21 FelizCastus
FelizCastus J.Z21
amy75898 FelizCastus
How common is it for herpes to not be in clusters ? And that new ones appear with time or does it all come at once. & what if the sore burn so bad but never pop or scan in a weeks worth of time ?
lonnie06842 FelizCastus
Does it always puss over and spread? I have two sores on the outside of my inner labia but they have not progressed or spread. They're actually shrinking without doing much else.
FelizCastus lonnie06842
lonnie06842 FelizCastus
No, there wasn't even a pimple first. It just started burning when I peed. I did notice the day before that my vagina was extremely dry and I did masturbate that same day. Not sure if I tore it or something. But there was no pimple before or any other symptoms. It just burned when I peed. I looked and saw to sores. They have not crusted over or spread or anything. I thought maybe it was yeast because I also started spotting. I put the yeast infection cream and the sores are much smaller and less painful. It's weird. I looked at so many pictures of herpes and they do look like the ulcers but not the extremity of the pictures on any accord.
FelizCastus lonnie06842
kelsey63517 FelizCastus
FelizCastus kelsey63517
Pour water down below while peeing and after to rinse, then gently pat dry, don't wipe. That helps a lot! Also, drink lots of water to keep your urine weak (strong, acidic pee burns). You can even add a teaspoon of baking soda to your drinking water to help make your urine more alkaline. Doesn't taste so nice and only optional. Drinking lots of water is usually adequate. Hope that helps!
sarah53590 josiphine24649
angel12471 FelizCastus
FelizCastus angel12471
Depends on the HSV type, how long you've had it, how long you've been with your discordant partner, and whether you're on daily suppressive therapy, etc.
amber01875 FelizCastus
Thank you for all your knowledge! I wanted to see if my case is normal at all, the sores of the inner labia are kind of sticking together, and when I try to pull it apart it hurts. Do you think that this will be a problem for healing/should I try to seperate them? Or should I just leave it alone? It doesn't affect my urination but I was worried this would be abnormal
FelizCastus amber01875
Personally, I would not pull them apart, except maybe gently in the shower or bath after the water has loosened things up naturally. It shouldn't be necessary to keep them separated, but if it is bothering you, you can try applying zinc oxide to help dry out and heal the lesions, which may also prevent them from sticking together.
amber01875 FelizCastus
kacey79 FelizCastus
Hello I just found out that I have hsv2 after being with a new partner. I started feeling real itchy in the vaginal area so I went to the doc twice thinking it was a yeast infection second time to the doc no signs of yeast and was then told to take pro biotic! Third time I felt a bump inside my vagina back to the doc I went she swabbed the lesion as the call it and sent for blood test! The swab came back showing positive for hsv2 blood test came back negative doc said my body may not have produced antibodies yet which means I was most likely just infected! She will test again in 6 weeks! I was prescribed valtrex 1mg twice a day for 10 days however I may have started it to late hence it took me an additional 2 days to pick it because I was depressed! My question to you is it likely to get painful red blisters/bumps on your legs that swell underneath that sometimes produce fluid? Or is it possible that I'm spreading it all over my body? It's annoying it itches and hurts if I bump my leg on something! Or could I have developed some other infection with herpes although I was tested for everything sexually herpes the only thing that came back positive! I also thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to the meds but they are still appearing though I'm finished taking the medicine! Any suggestions?
FelizCastus kacey79
That is rather unusual. Where exactly on your legs are these bumps? Are they actually blisters, more like pimples, or bumps under the skin? You do indeed appear to have been newly infected, and first outbreaks do not normally appear beyond the general site of infection. I also don't see how you could have spread it, unless you have been scratching your lesions then scratching your legs immediately afterwards without washing your hands. I would tend to think they are unrelated. If not, it is unusual like I said. If you want to be sure, ask your doctor to swab your leg bumps and let me know how that turns out!
kacey79 FelizCastus
Sorry about that I was saying this is so weird! It's hard getting in to my doc due to my work schedule but I'm most definitely getting these things swabbed! It's like 11 of them mostly on the lower part of my legs some near the knees and two on the top of my leg! Ugh it's driving me crazy but thanks I will keep you posted!
FelizCastus kacey79
ariana15008 FelizCastus
Hi! I am so so confused! I recently got diagnosed with type 2 and type 1 herpes. However, I've never had any symptoms at all what so ever and my scores (I believe that is what it's called) for type 1 it was a 1.51 and type 2 was a 2.11 or a 2.37. Now for the type 2 I'm certain it was a IgM, because my doctor was saying it was recent exposure. This all happened because my partner decided to be unfaithful on a trip with his friends... as well as i got chlamydia. We had broken up, couple months later and this was before I was even aware of myself having any of that (all i knew at the time was he had been unfaithful and said it was "protected"
I had sex with another man. The condom failed, and so I decided to go get checked and when I did that's when I found out everything. I confronted my ex, and told my recent partner to get checked. About a week or 2 later he did, and was negative for everything. How? Especially with chlamydia and the condom failing. Also with my herpes, is it likely it's a false positive? I'm sorry if this is such a long response but I am so so lost.
Smlangston FelizCastus
Hello... I'm searching for answers just trying to really get some understanding about my test results, as I can't find any similar to mine at all.. I have been tested positive for hsv2, it reads( hsv 2 igg, type specific >23.00 ) why is that number so high??
FelizCastus Smlangston
daniel95484 FelizCastus
FelizCastus daniel95484
From what you say, no, you don't have a high risk of getting it, and I also replied to your other post.
qiang51336 lonnie06842
How are you doing now? My first outbreak was one sore on the outside of my inner labia too.
lacey41830 FelizCastus
elle37444 lonnie06842
I am currently experiencing the same thing you have written. I've only had sex with two people (men). First time was 2008 and I was in a relationship for about two years. We only used birth control. Then I was single for almost three years and met my husband. We have been together for nine years soon. We also have birth control but rarely used a condom. would have NEVER expected to have this. Both my ex and husband have had several partners before me. I felt a small bump on my virgina, went to the doctor cause it hurt when I peed. tested positive for type 2, I was devastated. initially when the doctor saw it she said 90% sure IT IS NOT HERPES. guess she was wrong. I have never had problems with something like this. a few days went by without me knowing and I felt the sore healing naturally and when I FOUND out I GOT antibiotics for herpes for five days, part of me wanted to heal naturally in hopes of it not being herpes but I am taking them still. Tomorrow is my last day. IT DOESNT hurt anymore at all, but I AM paranoid ofc. I ONLY got that one small bump that is a sore now. I AM HOping that it was all a nighmare and I NEVER have to deal with this again. THEY SAY the first infection is the worse but mine was so mild, just one small sore. SO i am HOPING this goes away forever and that there was something wrong with the test. ALSO no one wants to test my husband cause he has NO symptoms at all and never had. we had to pay ourselves for him to do a blood test but IVE heard porely about the blod test. anyone has been wrongfully diagnosed? ALSO I REALIZED that there ia pretty much no way to find out if someone has thos virus cause it is not considered to be one of those std's, which is crazy! only way is a blood test id you dont have symptoms. NOT EVEN a condom can save you. and its terrible we should all have the right to KNOW if we carry this. especially us women who are more likely to get infected and can experience difficulties while giving birth.
we are waiting for my husbands results. if he tests negative for type 2 something is really wrong cause I HAVE NEVER been with anyone else sinCE I Meet him. anyone else who also just got a small sore the first time? and did it come back? thanks for sharing your stories! appreciate all the stories!
b38028 suky70274
what was it?? i have some like that - dont hurt at all...
mikegs87 FelizCastus
i just get a blister or 2 on the penis that just drains n scabs up in a few days. once every 3 months i get a blood test this week. Does this seem like herpes
silvia70458 FelizCastus
I believe i have herpes but haven't been able to go check. This would be my first outbreak but other then the bumps and it being itchy they did not burts or release any liquid the bumps just turned into black scabs. Do you think this is herpes?
ashley90009 suky70274
did you ever get tested for this? i have the same issue now
mhc2020 FelizCastus
I experience the shooting nerve pain or will i call it a nerve burning sensation everyday since i was exposed. Is it because because the hsv is interacting with my hpv? I have been on Valacyclovir 1g for the past 5weeks now yet no sign of relief. My OBs, though very mild at base of my shaft reoccurs every 2-3 weeks from the last OB(not after healing o)