Gentile Herpes or not?

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For some several days ago i got a bump on my penis which just got bigger with a white flus in it. At last i popped it and the flus came out but got refilled a little again. After one day the bump went away and looked like the picture below. I haven't had sex for 8 months but unfortunatly the last time i had sex (8 months ago) it was unprotected

I don't feel any of the symptoms of genital herpes and the bump does not hurt or sore or even itch. I'm really worried that i have genital herpes?

Btw it is the only bump i got on my penis.

Thank you in advance!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I forgot to mention that it now looks like a crater, it transformed to a hole like the picture shows..
  • Posted

    Look's like an infected sebaceous gland possibly. I wouldn't stress it. However w that said, it is always best to go get tested for everything and make sure to request a herpes test specifically, as it is not included in the full STD panel. In the mean time, stop stressing.

    It does look like an infected gland.

    • Posted

      Thank you for yout reply. Is it possible for the symptoms to appear after 8 months?
    • Posted

      Anything is possible w herpes to be honest, being I live w it myself, but I'm telling you, that looks like an infected sebaceous gland.
    • Posted

      Well thank you! Your reply is very relieving. Just another question, i read the pus from gentile herpes blister is not white and with blood, it is more clear pus. Is it true?
    • Posted

      No that's not true... I've read some people say theirs is watery and others say it's thovk, some have nothing inside their sores. Unfortunately there is no one size fits all text book standard and a lot of the symptoms herpes has, are not even documented in the general symptoms. It presents so differently in everyone, because it all depends on our immune systems, which is as unique to each as their own thumb prints.

      Stop worrying... I can tell you have anxiety in general and you are projecting you anxiety into this bump.

    • Posted

      Allright thank you i appriciate it, i've stopped worrying its healing very fast now. But anyways i will take a test for safety.

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