Get so anxious and stressed I can't relax and think I am seriously ill

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I get so agitated and stressed I make myself ill I end up with chest pain from anxiety.

I don't have a heart problem had all the tests from my cardiologist all clear but I can't seem to accept results.

sometimes I get so bad my husband drives me to the hospital and we sit in car park for ages and when I feel relaxed enough we drive home.

I can be stressed all day but night is worse as I can't sleep so get more and more anxious last night I woke up at 12.30am and was awake till 5am.

Any ideas for relaxing and being less anxious. it's a vicious circle that I can't seem to get off I am 66 and this has been happening for the past year

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    I am sorry you were going through this. I know how it can feel. However, what is happening is that you are allowing negative and fearful thoughts to control your life. You have to remember that fear is an emotion and emotions are not based on fact. You have to look at the facts which is that your heart is perfectly fine. you’ve had the testing. that’s a fact. so anxiety is causing your symptoms. Millions of people rushed to the hospital because of the very same reason. Adrenaline causes these symptoms and it’s not harmful.

    I am your age also and have been going through anxiety for most of my life. What I find to be helpful is first of all to be determined to take control and not allow anxiety to.

    it’s very important to get your breathing under control with anxiety. Go to YouTube and listen to some great mindfulness meditation‘s for breathing. There are also great meditations for anxiety and sleep. I really like Lauren Ostroski and she does one called it’s OK. I also get some exercise so I sleep better,. there’s also a great book I read that has helped me a lot and it’s called finding quiet. I would also say to not quit the counseling. I do that once a week and it’s very helpful. I also do it so that I don’t burden my daughter with my problems. feel free to private message me anytime! ❤

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