Get wierd feelings in middle of night...anyone else??
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Not sure if these symptoms of menopause or something else. I am 55 years old no period for about 3 years. I was told by doctors I am in menopause.
I am getting wierd feelings,have been for years now.
These usually come on rather fast and frequently start with a feeling of unexplained anxiety. Other symptoms vary but can include tight muscles, nausea, weak limbs, hot (not sweating), fast heartbeat, overall weakness.
Sometimes I can feel sensations starting in my lower body and feel them rising toward the top of my body. Usually happens at night in bed, middle of night, sometimes wakes me up. Doesn't last long, maybe 1-3 minutes.
I know this sounds like typical anxiety but it is not emotional or stress type anxiety, as it has more physical symptoms and happens from nowhere.
I also am hypothyroid, Prediabetic, Rhuematoid Arthritis. These feelings started maybe 3-4 years ago.
Also I don't get hot flashes with sweating ever, but am frequently hot.
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Struggling50 JLADY99
I wake up during the night with a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of anxiety. It just comes out of nowhere. My acupuncturist told me it is hormonal. The anxiety is being cause by hormones being out of balance not by an actual event.
It is an unpleasant feeling. I get physical symptoms with the anxiety too. A burning feeling in my chest, nausea, a feeling like an adrenaline rush.
Take care
JLADY99 Struggling50
Guest JLADY99
dora_39625 JLADY99
I'm 42 years old and have peri menopause symptoms very similar to yourself..
I also get hot but not's a strange feeling and always makes me feel odd.. I find that I go quiet and can't even speak.
I'm guessing this is all hormonal and have to just ride through it.
JLADY99 dora_39625
I also feel like I can barely talk, like there is a heaviness on my chest and I barely have the strength to talk. Like I said these feelings don't last long, thank God.
dora_39625 JLADY99
Yes! That's exactly how I's good to know that there are other women who are experiencing the same symptons.
Takingtime JLADY99
Yes I have had this, it started for me around 40. Mine seemed to be when I would wake every morning it was like panic followed by nausea......I too had no emotional thought to go with it. I find now at 43 it comes and goes, but get more symptoms of anxiety at all different times....heart palpitations, throat tightness, muscle tension, the crazy thing is I don't feel stressed until I get the uncomfortable symptoms. Night sweats I get too. I still get periods regularly but some months are light and short and others are heavy and long.
flo52770 JLADY99
Hugs dear and be strong, for we are stronger together in this journey!
Sarjahl4321 JLADY99
I am in perimenopause and has experienced the same feelings couple times last year where I would just woke up at nights like anxiety coming on and I get really hot, no sweating though, Even had to go to the E.R couple times. They did EKG, blood work, just about everything and nothing's wrong. They said it's Peri. I try to sleep as free as possible at nights, minimal clothing, minimal covers, just free. I noticed it helps a lot. Most of all I pray every night and read my bible verses and so far not bad. Thank God👐👐👐 1st Peter 5:7. Psalms 4:8
Struggling50 JLADY99
Other times I am barely Clearing my throat at all. There is nothing in my throat, just the urge to clear my throat.
Struggling50 JLADY99
Sometimes I choke on food. When I swallow it feels like I am swallowing past a huge lump. My throat is dry all the time and seems to have lost some of it's elasticity and ability to squeeze food down. I have to really swallow hard to get food to go down or drink water with every bite. The throat clearing thing is just so strange and annoying.
I've heard that it is anxiety causing all of this. But I don't feel anxious a lot of the time. But I guess the anxiety must be lurking inside me anyway and is causing these symptoms.
Hope this helps. Take care.
JLADY99 Struggling50