Getting diastolic number down?

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Hi all, 

Bit of background followed by a question...

Diagnosed with HBP just over a year ago - started out at 180/110

5mg of amlodipine, and 10kg weight loss, normalled out at 120/80

Hard winter, 8kg weight gain, BP at 160/100

Still on 5mg of amlodipine, but now with 25mg of losartan

2kg weight loss, and BP is 120/95.  I can get it down after sport - so a cycle ride or tennis in the morning gets it down to 115/80 for the rest of the day, but when I wake up it can be 140/100.

Do I go back to the GP and ask for an increase in the dose of either amlodipine or losartan or both?

Do I bust a gut at the gym to shift more kilos in the hope that will bring it down?

Do I drink gallons of hibiscus tea?

I'm generally satisfied with the systolic (I'm a 45 year old male, btw) but the diastolic seems incredibly stubborn.  Any advice and suggestions?


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6 Replies

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    Hello started off with Amlodipine, but gained weight, which seemed to boost the bp back up again. Added to the Amlodipine was Losartan. 

    You said your bp was 120/95 which is very good. When waking it can be 140/100. How often does this happen?

    I wouldn't be asking the GP for more medicine if I were you. Let the doctor decide it. He/she may not think it's necessary. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated. Drinking Hibiscus tea is fine..but water is the best thing, but don't overdo it either. 64 oz /day is plenty..

    Truly...consult your doctor.

  • Posted

    How heavy are you, that seems to be an issue for you, as for most of us, you just need to stop eating the junk food and soft drinks and the weight will fall off.

    ​I know I have been to a dietian in the last year and when I stick to the diet, and sticking to it is the trick, and nobody said it is easy, very much like my grandparents ate, was my comment, and the dietian said exactly, no soft drinks, no biscuits except for special occasions or visitors, lots of fresh fruit and veges, that they had grown themselves, the weight stays in the normal range.

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    Try eating plenty of foods high in potassium as this is good for lowering diastolic reading. There is a natural alternative to the drugs, it’s fermented soya, it’s called nattokinase. It lowers BP and thins the blood. Seemingly it’s meant to work really well, but obviously you would have to stop your meds and you wouldn’t be able to take it if you were on blood thinners. 

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    I would consult your Dr. before altering your diet to high potassium diet as Losartan increases your blood potassium by nature of the way it works and this is particularly important if a patient has Kidney problem.

    Weight management for hypertension is more important than any medication. Also, to lose weight, you will find that the right diet will give much better result than exercise. For example, you have to run many miles to burn just a portion of chips. That said, a combination of cardio and resistance exercise together with healthy diet is the best way forward for weight management. They say that Resistance exercise will help to maintain the muscle tone which in turn help with metabolic rate.

    Just My opinion. 


  • Posted

    Thanks all for the replies so far.  Checked in with my GP today, who dismissed the idea of changing either my medication or my dosage.  Claimed it was impossible for me to get readings of 125/100 so my device must be faulty.  She claimed that the odd diastolic reading of over 100 is nothing to be concerned about, and that if it was consistently over 95 to go back and see her again.  So I'm left with a pounding headache, total fatigue, and no real option but to go for a swim.  To add a bit more context, I was 17st a year ago when first diagnosed, and dropped to 14st, and am now back at 15st7.  I find the weight harder to shift for some reason now that I'm on the losartan. Maybe it's stress, but it's literally doing my head in.  She did however refer me for an ECG, to check every thing  okay with my ticker.

    Any further advice welcome.

  • Posted

    I’ve hear cayenne pepper helps lower bp, and garlic. Maybe try to incorporate some of those foods more into your diet. 

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