getting nerved up so easy…..

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Hello! I think I have posted this topic before so sorry for repeating!! I have had a bunch of stuff on my plate lately...and feel that my anxiety and nervousness is more intense than before. I have moments where I am just sitting here..(studying for nursing boards) and get these "surges of panic and nervousness...ugh they stink because then the panic causes me to become so recluse and not want to drive anywhere or go anywhere. I have not had a period in 8 months and I think this is the longest I have gone..I usually get it around the beginning of the month and have had these feelings around that time. I try to eat right and get out walking or exercising and redirect myself but when the nervousness is there it just sucks and you get so scared you are going to feel this way forever.... I hope this ends soon....I am so stubborn and really don't want to try medicaitons ...has anyone tried the natural "rescue remedy"....thanks for listening!!! Oh yeah I think I had a few hot flashes ..although they were mostly panick but my face and arms felt flushy hot and I felt a wee bit nausea...

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    HI lisa

    I understand where you are coming from with anxieties and panic attacks i get them myself. 

    You are right we have to do something to get our minds off the panic eppisodes 

    I almost had a panic attack at the orthopedic something made me nervous 

    Do you have palpitations with you anxieties if so how do you handle them 

    I am taking a small dose of estradiol 1 mg and a small dose of provera then i am on meds for anxieties there are times i feel weak durring the day yes they calm me down but durring the day i feel weak 

    Palpitations diminished some but they are still noticable i am going to wait another week or so to see if they go away completly 

    Then my sugars are running high in the evening i am diabetic so i am trying to keep my sugars down but this evening it a 170 

    Wish i were not in menopause

    • Posted

      That is tough with the Diabetes... yes I do feel the palpatations my doctor said they are not to worry about at all but they still can be frightening...especially if you are sensitive to what your body is feeling as I do. She has offered many medications ...low beta blockers...prozac and I guess there is a new one that women can take only during the stressfull times of the "phantom" period...?? Anyway yes I agree this menopause is so awful...I try so hard to embrace it and just say it's going to be okay but there are times I feel so scared of the transitions in life its overwhelming...I am grateful for my family and for this board to keep me moving forward for sure!!! Thanks for your reply!!!
    • Posted

      Thats what i tell myself thank you we just have to learn to love our bodies and ourselves 
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that huni I know where your coming from I have had panic attacks for years got them undercontrol but lately be so bad I was hipper ventilating today feel useless scared thought I was going to pass out stop breathing (I have a throat infection so feels like my throat is closing) I went to the doctor and gave in went back on my tablets (well start tonight sacred off that case I have bad side affects I think to much) I don't want to be on tablets I to are very stubborn but for my kids I gave in sometime need to just take that little bit off help just to get urself back to feeling a bit off normal if that makes sense I hope you feel better real soon and maybe just go see the doctors Just see what they can do as can stress you out and stop you having a period. Don't let it get any worse huni please I have learn the hard way from being stubborn lol Xx
    • Posted

      Thank you sweetie! and I hope your throat gets better!! That is scary ..I think as we age we hate being sick you just fear the worst..ugh!! When I was younger I just crawled into bed and slept it off without any concern! As we get older the transitions get so hard ,,,kids graduating from high school, colleges ...parents dying or getting older and more dependent it puts you in a whole other bracket that you know is coming but when you get there it is a door slam in the face.... but I try hard to remember its' transition and not the end but I am gratelful to have this board and all of you to reassure my feelings...thank you!!!


  • Posted

    Hi Lisa I can relate a little about the anxiety. Anytime I have a lot going on I start getting shakey feeling and sometimes feel like screaming or pulling my hair out or shaving my head. And I feel it all through my body. So I play relaxation music and it helps a little. I also close myself off from everyone. And let the music carry my away.or I'll meditate and pray. That helps too. Hope you feel better remember you're not alone.
    • Posted

      Thank you ....I did that today..I was studying and alone in my house feeling vunerable and anxious and then I just stopped and sang a song in my head and took deep breaths and told the anxiety to leave and asked for warmth, peace to come in.. mediation and quck moments of escaping do help...thank you!!!!


  • Posted

    Hi Lisa you most certainly have my sympathies re the anxiety and panic attacks , have suffered for as long as I can remember , have been on an antidepressant for years very low dose (10mg) but over the past year or so am 50 have noticed the anixiert gradually getting worse especially before a period ! Had such a bad spell a few weeks ago was hyper anxious for about 4 days with depression , dr signed me off sick for a few days first time I have ever been signed off work but was in the worst state ever , dreadful feelings of fear and dread , not wanting to go anywhere etc , anyway dr told me to take 20mg of the Seroxat I take , still considered a low dose ,after about 2 weeks I felt considerably better , infact I couldn't have gone on the way I was feeling , what I suppose Ibam trying to say is ,if you feel really really bad like I did you would try anything and if it helps and it is medication so be it ,obviously I don't know what the long term effects will be but if they make my quality of life better now whilst I am still youngish then I will worry about tomorrow when it comes ! Also if you do have to resort to medication it doesn't have to be long term ! P.s yes I have tried the rescue remedies did nothing for me , obviously not strong enough etc , good luck with whatever treatment you decide ,but don't completely rule out medication ! 
    • Posted

      Thank you Sarah!! this helps alot and yes I agree if you need a little med its' okay..I feel like I am coming to the end of this road...I started way back when I was 37-38 after doing chemo for colon cancer and now I am 50 ...hoping the road is ending at the post menopause rainbow...!!! It helps so much to talk on this board ...there are days I plug through it and there are days I am just need to know that I can share my feelings without judgement to this board and I am grateful for it!! Thank you 
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa65434

    So sorry you are feeling this way. I am going through the exact same as we speak. I'm 54 and have into had a period since 2009 but can't help feeling that this is hormone related. Like you I don't want to go onto medication either. I am trying Menopace Plus at the moment. Have only just started so I can't really say if it is working yet. My problem is that when I have panic and anxiety I stop eating. Have lost a stone in weight. Didn't really want to either. I have tried the rescue remedy but think it is really just a placebo. also going to Cognative Behavioural Therapy to try and cope with the panic. Not sure

    what to think of that because I have actually got worse since starting that. You are not alone. Comforted me just reading your post. Hang on in there.xx

    • Posted

      Thank you! Yes it is so helpful to have this chat page...I can't believe all the symptoms and stuff you get with menopause...ugh! I can't either when I am really tight with anxiety ..and when it happens I do lose weight  too. I like the cognitive behavior that should be helpful because many times it's our own behavior and thoughts that trigger the anxiety so that should work well for you! Thanks for your support!

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