Getting nervous now
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Hi to all the post op hippies.
I am getting very nervous now as got date for surgery...11th april.
Had phone call today from OT for aids and already done the preop assessment for swabs ecg and bloods.
Got booklet for my enhanced recovery and carbohydrate drink to have prior to admission.
Bought travel size toiletries n wide leg pyjamas.
Slip on trainers for use as slippers.
Any other top tips for use postop or to pass the time will be useful.
Most worried about being awake during op and after getting in car and in/out of bed ๐ฏ
6 likes, 24 replies
ian07235 angela1988
Good luck ๐๐
sarah1996 angela1988
My main tip is not to get your hopes up to much. I was so excited for my op and on friday i got a phone call to say it had been cancelled. My op was supposed to be yesterday.
Have your OTs been out already? X
angela1988 sarah1996
sarah1996 angela1988
Kate53CornUK sarah1996
I'll echo everyone else, Angela, I had a spinal and was given a 'cocktail' as I got into the pre-theatre. I have no memories from the point of saying "I feel a bit woozy".
Apparently I chatted all the way through the spinal but have no recollections until I came to in the recovery room and the nurse gave me lemon drizzle cake and a cup of tea! Waking up is so much nicer than GA although there was a strong smell of dry cleaning fluid.
Once at home I just cancelled out the first two weeks, indulged myself with films, didn't fight anything, slept when I needed to and did bite-sized activities.
I would reccommend wearing leggings or loose trousers when you get home - something to grab hold of to move your leg!
AnnieK angela1988
angela1988 AnnieK
Kate53CornUK angela1988
I was frightened of hearing anything
ย and the anaesthetist gave me a tiny slug of GA as well. I was totally out of it and the spinal gives you loads of pain relief for about 24 hours. So different from years agoย ย
sarah1996 angela1988
My main tip is not to get your hopes up to much. I was so excited for my op and on friday i got a phone call to say it had been cancelled. My op was supposed to be yesterday.
Have your OTs been out already? X
MichaelTN1UK angela1988
I am sure you will get many tips from others. The biggest thing I learned was that my wife was so engrossed with my care (especially whilst I was in hospital) that she negelected herself. So, I would say if you do have a partner, please ensure that they have enough food to start with - something they can heat up when getting home from hospital.ย
Rocketman_SG6UK angela1988
Graham - ๐๐
I hope to discuss sedation as i have spinal arthritis so dont fancy failed epidural. Also i am a nurse so prefer not to see hear feel anything lol.
I am lucky to have hubby at home as he is retired.
hil123 angela1988
I was worried about getting the car a nurse came down to the car with me and showed me how to do it ( there are some really good videos on you tube on how to get in and out of the car and the bed ) . I had sedation with a spinal block so I was fast asleep . I am 6 weeks post op and things are progressing steadily .
Hope all goes well
All the best. Hilary
angela1988 hil123
I think now my date is due I am just starting to run away with my imagination so any obstacles seem huge.
I am certain if help is needed i can ask.
You have made good progress so get well soon โค
DawnDedee angela1988
Think about your "nest", that place where you will spend the most time resting. ย Think of everything you would want to have near you. ย Phone, charger, tablet, laptop, a place for medications and water and other drinks, pillows, books, magazines, music, etc. ย Good to have extra pillows.
Get your bathroom ready with extended shower chair. ย I liked having a bed side toilet for the first three weeks and then it doubled as my toilet lift also but there is another kind of toilet lift you can get too. ย
Get a grabber, or two, because this item will be your best friend! ย Line up your walking aids. ย If you need to use a walker, get a basket for it so you can carry things.
Move groceries around in your kitchen to make sure that you do not have to climb or reach too high for anything you might need. Stock up on all your favorite foods and drinks.ย
Make sure your pajamas are not too long, for you do not want to trip and fall down. ย Personally I preferred gowns so that I would not have to try to put on anything with legs. ย Robe should be knee length.
This is all I can think of right now. ย In and out of bed is not as difficult as getting in and out of car, but you will be trained how to do it and will rely upon the strength in your other leg and your arms.
I hope all goes well for you and please keep us informed as you can so that we can encourage you!
Best wishes, again.
Dawn, USA
angela1988 DawnDedee
Rocketman_SG6UK angela1988
Graham - ๐๐
DawnDedee angela1988
DawnDedee Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK DawnDedee