Getting third ablation

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I am over 70 female. Had afib for 14 years . Had a pacemaker in for 4 yrs. had left side ablation for afib 3 yrs ago. Had right side ablation for flutter 1 yr ago .stil a big problem with afib and rapid heart beat. My cardio is recommending a third ablation in 2 months. However he says that it is actually my second ablation for afib as the other was for flutter. Is this correct? I have been on men's for 14 yrs. been cardioid twice. I am concerned if this is worth while or it is the same old....

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Has your doc considered tikosyn? I have had 2 ablations, but went back into Afib. 6 months ago, my electrophysiologist decided to try tikosyn. So far, I'm really happy with the result! I'm 62, general health good, lots of yoga, walking and a green diet. Good luck!

  • Posted

    That's interesting my consultant said a pacemaker was a possible alternative to ablation but clearly the pacemaker not working for you?      As for what to do that is the dilemma we all pass.    I've had two ablations and am currently now off flecanide and blood thinner back into what I would call my pre-drug state.    I've had an ablation for flutter (during which I went into AF) and then and AF ablation.  I'm not convinced that another one would do any good because I really feel there is somthing else trigger the electrics going wrong.  My impression so far of the process is they don't have a clue what the triggers are - they know some drugs help and Ablation is helpful in some cases.  60-80% approx.   Decisions decisions  - go with your gut. 

    • Posted

      Good post Kate! I reckon you're pretty much 'on the money' with what is known at this point in time. This this whole Afib thing is still an evolving area of medicine, but it is a growing issue. I suspect that there will be many more advances to be made in this area as the growing AF financial health burden and it's cost to government health budgets increases!

  • Posted

    Do you still have a pacemaker? I thought once in they stay in..Did those ablations stop the afib/ Did they help your symptoms/ Did afib come back?
    • Posted

      Pacemaker in itself does not stop afib. My pacemaker stops my heart rate from dropping below 60 as my Meds are pushing my heart beat down to control rapid heart beat thee is a surgery that does stop a fib but you must have a pcemaker to control heart beat from raising and dropping then the pacemaker is in complete control after this surgery/ ablation method

      This would be a last resort ablation

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