Gilbert Syndrome simptoms question
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Hi, I have some question to those who are more familiar with this syndrome, I have been diagnosed 4 years ago, and was quite content managing the fatigue. But recently this fatigue is now extreme, my question though, is the following also due to this syndrome:
-Legs and arms feel like lead, almost feels like muscles are disintegrating
-My head has a dull feeling, almost like there is no more space to learn anything new
-forgetfulness is getting worse, to point where i forget words sometimes or mix words that sound similar
-sometimes tunnel vision because of the fatigue
-uncomfortable feeling (not painful) in joints
-nausea, not extreme, just the sensation
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traudley kafrie
It is fair to say that we all have our " Gilberts Syndrome" albeith amounting to the same. We cannot wear a sticking plaster as it is one of these silent illnesses which unless you are a fellow sufferer no one quite understands as most of the time we look ok. Read through this site as there are many postings about how others cope with this condition.
Take as much care of yourself as possible, drink plenty of water to keep yourself flushed and remember that this is a Liver Condition and if this is malfunctioning then you cannot expect to be well al the time so do not be hard on yourself. Look on the British Liver Trust for dietary advice, print of information and share it with those around you so they understand this condition as well.
Take Care
kafrie traudley
arthur11644 kafrie
kafrie arthur11644
sheryl37154 kafrie
Squatchie kafrie
i have two small children I work one day a week when my husband is off work and I feel like crap all the time. Because it's such a vague syndrome my husband just gets annoyed that I'm tired all the time. My aunt also has Gilbert's but it doesn't seem to effect her. She doesn't get yellowing of the eyes feet like I sometimes do, so my family again just think I'm lazy for being tired
traudley kafrie
bobby1022 kafrie