Ginger Capsuals.
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Hi a post was put up over the weekend and got on about Ginger capsuals......and now I carnt find this post on my tablet!.
think it was Zigania sorry not spelt right
was saying about these capsuals and where they can be brought from..can anyone help me out here a few named shops were mentioned
i to take Lansopation for my reflux and totally agree the foul taste they leave in my mouth is awful... I have had enough I simply cannot cope with that as well as the other hundred symptoms I'm experiencing from peri at the moment.
what are the best buys for Ginger capsuals? Do they work straight away? Any help advice off anyone please felt like crap again today with my reflux!!.
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jamie50513 Shelly0069
It was my post about nausea. The stores mentioned was Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, Sprouts and New Chapter for the ginger capsules. You can also get a piece of fresh ginger or ginger candies as well. Ginger is really good for calming nausea and upset stomach. I drink warm ginger ale sometimes and that helps but the carbonation can give me gas. Hope this helps. Jamie...
Shelly0069 jamie50513
i have not heard of these stores?
Im from U.K.
so I'm guessing yor from USA?
the nausea and indigestion at the moment is absolutely awful, suffering a lot of bouts with the nause.
thanks anyway..
jamie50513 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 jamie50513
lyn180246 Shelly0069
i am from the UK, so the shops that Jamie recommended to don't exist here in the UK.
sooooo I'm just waiting for a reply off a uk resident to help me out know!!!.
lyn180246 Shelly0069
Zigangie Shelly0069
Yes it was me who suggested them. You can get them at a health food shop and I have got some online.
If I took them half an hour before my meal they worked great, if I forgot to take them then I made a cup of ginger tea and drank it hot after the meal.
I didn't have to do it often but if things were really bad (after a curry usually) then I had a teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water before I went to bed.
These things helped me more than the lansoprazol that the doctor gave me, which just seemed to reduce the amount of times it happened rather than stop it altogether.
The first time I ran out of the capsules I just used ginger powder and wrapped it in roll up papers and swallowed two of those and that worked just as well.
Shelly0069 Zigangie
soooooo totally agree about the Lansopazol capsuals........
the foul taste they leave in your mouth, I have just had enough, I'm going through enough symptoms at the moment, reflux and feeling sick are two of the main ones!!.
i had a look today in 2 high street chain stores Boots and Superdrug.......none had anything like that in?
soooooo where are they best getting from?
what are they called? Are they a branded name?
so they really are better than Lansoprazole thingies!!!!!!
thanks Michelle,x
Zigangie Shelly0069
Yes I was surprised they were better than something prescribed, apparently they are good for morning sickness too.
debdew Shelly0069