Globus Pharyngis - Key Update Please Read this
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I have had a Major breakthrough with my Globus symptoms which I hope will help someone else who is suffering with Globus..
My latest trip for my most recent endoscopy ended as usual with the consultant reminding me how many times my throat has been examined and every time it has been clear and healthy, his parting words were \"Try this prescription it may help, but it's just a professional guess\"..
My initial thoughts were .. Ok so the consultants are now resulting to guessing after two years of tests..
I took the prescription to the chemist and came out with 56x 30mg Lansoprazole capsules.
I went to see my doctor to get a little more information on the Lansoprazole, I was told that they were to help stop any acid reflux.
I said that I didnt think that I was having any acid reflux but was told that there is something called 'Silent Reflux' where you dont feel it but a small amount of stomach acid finds it's way back up your oesophageus to your throat when you sleep lying flat thus causing the Globus feeling.
I have been on the Lansoprazole for about two months now and also researched GERD Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease, my capsules combined with sleeping with my back propped up using a medical wedge pillow seem to have done the trick in sorting my Globus symptoms out..
I hope this posting helps someone to achieve freedom from GH ..
Good luck and let me know if it helps.
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debra77872 ZEN.
April. I am feeling a bit discouraged, I've been on a special diet
and taking Nexium. I purchased the wedge pillow and follow my doctor's instructions, yet I still have the sensation. Have you
found anything that works? Also, does the sensation come and
go? Do you find that anything specific causes it to flare up?
Thank you in advance for any information that you are willing to
share. Debra
Grrrrr 4 years later and I am just in the middle of another attack..
Throat feels tight when I swallow which leads to stabbing muscle pain occasionally when swallowing and/ or clicking in throat when swalloing during an attack.. I guess that is just the pharyngeal spasm of the swallowing muscles.. Diazepam relieves it within 1 hour as its a mucle relaxant..
Ah well keep smiling
amy75782 ZEN.
I started to suffer from globus sensation about 18 months ago. I was put on omerprazole and been on them ever since. When I first got it my symptoms were really bad, my throat was tight and uncomfortable all the time. I couldn't concentrate on anything as I was focussing on it so much.
I visited my GP after being given that all clear from ENT and she said I have health anxiety and put me on citalopram. It did eventually go and would come back every now and again but not as bad.
I had a throat infection last week and was given penicillin it seems to be causing my acid reflux to come back and the globus is back in my throat like there is a lump there. I've doubled my omerprazole and chewing gaviscon all the time but it just won't go!! I'm getting worried now that it's not going to go and there is something wrong with my oesophugus, I have never had an endoscopy and that doctor said I had blisters in my throat last week causing the pain.
Can anybody help please??
Mikeglobus ZEN.
I do get one thing though that I havent met anybody with. When I have a BAD flare up (four times to date over 3 years) I get a swollen nodule thing in the back of my throat that completely blocks my throat when I breath out a certain way. Its not globus cause I can actually feel the thing move around. Its what I would imagine an allergic reaction would feel like. Normally take about a day to clear but makes me really anxious as Im gagging all day when I try and talk...those are the bad days. Anybody else get something similar?
In case anybody else is reading this though...YOU GET USE TO IT! Dont panic - as The Globus Kid said, you have good days and bad days. I got MAJOR health anxiety when it first started happening. Crazy insomnia and self pity but you figure out routines and just take it a day at a time. My biggest advice would be drink lots of water. Water is great for your PH neutralizing and thinning phlegm. I have a pint of water as soon as I wake up to rehydrate and thin the throat clearing in the morning. Water also helps a lot with the clicking I was talking about earlier.
Im on omeprazole twice a day but want to try and come off it soon. Been a year and Im not overly keen on medication in general so want to figure out a natural way of balancing my PH levels and keeping the acidity down. To be fair my diet is still pretty bad, so I feel I have my self to blame.
I drink about 1-2 cokes a week as a treat (this was hard, use to be 1ltr a day coke drinker), the rest water. ZERO beer or alcohol. But TONS of pasta and pizza which is horrendous for the reflux...working on this. Need a routine with diet. Oh and NO NO NO spicy stuff - I even had a bad reaction to hot Doritos I think. Have a real good think about your diet before you start to feel too sorry for yourself - we as a society of acidic foods obviously have a lot to do with the reflux epidemic happening.
Saying all that sadly a day doesnt go by that I dont zone in and think about my throat. Its normally the first thing I think about every morning "how bad is my throat going to be today..." which obviously triggers the anxiety side of the Globus sensation. Getting better at this though so hopefully move past it eventually and Im way more positive in general.
In regards to people feeling they cant swallow food or anything like that - from my experience its in your head. The symptoms we get can be just as much psychosomatic as a physical irritation. I also do breathing exercises and general 'make youre life better books' to help with any anxiety and over thinking. Im slowly getting much better at not stressing and just living in the now. This is helped my Globus.
So just remember, its not the end of the world. I figure this is becoming such a common issue and people are eating omeprazole like sweets that they will be really making this a priority healthcare wise. I saw a specialist in the states that just deals with this. They have all sorts of treatments being tested (botox injection in the oesophagus to train the muscle to be stronger etc etc). We’ll get there. Start with your diet though and be honest with yourself! Sorry for the rant - this is the first Ive ever spoken about this publicly so had to get it all off my chest.
Higs58 ZEN.
anything is worth a try!
tommy85532 ZEN.