Globus Sensation / Tightness in neck / Strangling Sensation

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It started on August 2011 the 8th around 8pm I was eating but had some difficulty getting it down . The discomfort in my throat & neck quickly spiralled out of control and I had several panic attacks with a constant urge to keep swallowing. I paced up and down like a nervous wreck for over 12 hours desperately trying to convince myself it was entirely mental.

Since then it's never really gone away and has put my life on hold.sad


-tinnitus in right ear

-panic attacks (rare)

-urge to swallow

-stifled breathing (rare)

-thick saliva / phlegm at back of throat (often)

-feeling of hair stuck in throat (often)

-feeling of someone strangling neck with an invisible wire (often)

-feeling of discomfort around adams apple area (often)

-discomfort in neck when lying down (often)


-GP guitar behind right eardrum / congestion

-Barium swallow -VE

-ENT tube thing down throat -VE

It's gotten worse this year. I now have difficulty swallowing most of the time and frequently panic.

I'm thinking I should get a MRI scan of my neck as I can't take much more of this.

If it was mental why does it strike so randomly? question

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    Hi all,

    I've been experiencing very similar symptoms for quite some time now.  I'd like to put what I can here, and see if others can compare in a similar fashion, share what works, what doesn't, things which they suspect to be possible causes, etc.

    Here's my point-by-point comparison to OP's symptoms:

    - I've had bouts of tinnitus here and there, but nothing constant

    - Panic attacks although rare, do definitely feed into this

    - Lots of swallowing, especially at the time that I first started having issues

    - Sometimes it feels like I can't get a good breath in, but I think that's more anxiety / discomfort in general

    - Super-mucous is what I call it. I feel this is partially caused by some sort of chronic sinus infection - it seems to run in the family

    - I haven't felt this, but it could be someting I just wouldn't describe in this way

    - Yes, feels like I'm being force-choked

    - Yes, feels like it's out of place or something

    - Sometimes, I find if I sleep on my back, I don't want a pillow, but if you reflux this isn't good, so better to prop yourself up somehow, but try to keep the neck straight.  

    My additions:

    - Excessive gas/belching - when I burp it often relieves the pressure, at least temporarily

    - Stress - I first got this leading up to my wedding day, and it seems to come back worst at times of high stress (I'm currently months away from my first child's birth)

    - Dry throat - When I'm having these throat-attacks, I often find that my throat is extremely dry - somtimes I can drink a glass of water, and my throat still feels dry, as if a part of it isn't getting wet

    - Posture - definitely not great, I spend most of my existance in front of the computer.  I've cracked my neck/back/sternum for many years.


    - I was born and raised in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada area, where it's fairly humid.  I moved to Kelowna, BC, Canada in 2012 where it's far more dry.  This could be a factor.

    - My family has a history of sinus infections, which I believe has contributed to chronic post-nasal drip, and what I've referred to as super-mucous.

    - My family has a history of GI issues, with some various issues including IBS.

    - My family has a history of clenching / grinding our teeth, often triggered by stress - this has resulted in TMJ for me.

    - I've had anxiety issues for quite some time, not consistent but scattered panic attacks.

    - I've used cannabis daily for many years in various forms but most often bongs - Some would say recreationally, however I would say recreational IS medicinal, as it helps relieve stress, helps to unwind, etc.  Having said that, the wrong strain could give me anxiety, so I've been leaning towards balanced CBD / THC strains, as these don't give me anxiety at all, and are much more moderate and functional in general.

    When I first saw a doctor, they suggested it was reflux.  I didn't think this was true, but tried the medicine they prescribed, and it was only then that I started getting heartburn / reflux issues, so far as I could tell, so I stopped, went back and he referred me to an ENT specialist for further tests.  It's been over 2 years, I've followed up on it, but haven't received a call back to schedule an appointment.

    For me, this has come and gone. As mentioned, high stress usually results in a flare up.  It also seems to go away on its own.  Often by the end of a work week, it's at its worst, then by the end of the weekend, I feel great.

    In my case, I believe that it's the tensing/clenching of muscles in my neck that's causing the feelings described.  The cause is what's unknown.  But I can physically feel that the muscles in the lower part of my neck are stiff.  It's easiest to feel with your fingers on both sides of my throat on the front, just above the collar bone - from there the stiffness goes down under the collar bone and up along the sides of the adam's apple.

    I find that if I wake up with this condition, then it will likely get progressively worse throughout the day.  If it's going to get better, it often does so over night so that the next day I don't even think of it.

    Things I suspect are worsening the situation:

    - Caffiene (I usually have 1-2 cups of coffee / weekday with little-none during the weekend)

    - Eating too much, too late so it doesn't have time to digest before I'm lying down

    - Stress

    - Posture, neck, shoulder or back issues

    - Sleeping in a bad position?

    That's my contribution, and I hope others will share what they can too.


    • Posted

      I should add a few things I left out of my last 'suspected causes' list:

      - Dry air

      - Eating the wrong foods (maybe I've got allergies? I love things like onions, tomatos, garlic, etc. but they could be causing gas?)

      - Drinking carbonated beverages - I love them, but I think the carbination itself + the acidity which even carbonated water has


    • Posted

      One last thing I'll add, which at least for me seems to help:

      If you feel you've got the super-mucous like me, then you probably notice that it seems to make the situation progressively worse.

      1) "Hork it up and spit it out" as opposed to just swallowing.  I know it's gross, but better to get the super-mucous out than to let it hang around in the problem area of the throat.

      2) Drink some warm/hot water.  Just plain.  Dont' burn yourself, but the hottest you're comfortable drinking, I find it really helps with clearing out the super mucous, any food which might not have passed down clean, as well as moisturizing the throat and the warmth seems to relax the tension.

      I hope these help!

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      I am allergic to garlic and onion. It started as an intolerance and has become much worse recently. Try avoid them and see if that helps? I hope you find answers soon. I never get an answer.

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      Hi Holly,

      Thanks for the reply.  I think I will try avoiding those two, even though they're my favourites!  It may be a coincidence, but my uncle actually has big issues with those two specific things and avoids them at all costs.  I've never asked the details of the issues they cause him, but you might be on to something here.


  • Posted

    Hello all again,

    I'm still struggling with the symptoms. I've adapted as best as I can.

    It can't be THAT bad else I'd have insisted on getting a manometry by now.

    BMI is borderline underweight and I feel like a fragile manlet. I dread getting weighed again as ignorance is bliss.

    On the plus side hunger and fasting is supposed to stimulate brain neuron repair although I feel lethargic and lacking in braindead most of the time.

    The only advice I can offer is STOP EATING IMMEDIATELY if you feel any discomfort in your throat. It's definitely not normal. A normal 28 year old would devour down his meals in no time instead of slowly chewing it anxiously while glancing at the clock.neutral


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    can anyone tell me what is meant by "Globus"?
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      It is a feeling of a lump in your throat, but there is not anything there that the doctors can see.   So it is something that you feel, that is probably transmitted through the nerve system, but you cannot quite pin it down.
  • Posted

    i canyrelax my throat is soar tight dry and  water makes it worse please help  seem to wanting to clear mucous yet dry...sjorgens pleas help  drs say nothing is wrong need to take anxiety pill?????alos need to eat yeat canot    Sheial
    • Posted

      We are not medicallyqualified, but your doctor is, so you need to think carefully about what the doctor said.  Try relaxation exercises.

      Is your throat inflamed?  

      Try something soothing like honey.   You do need to keep up the amount of water you drink.   Keep up good mouth hygiene, and keep washing your mouth to stimulate your saliva.

      If by any chance this is an effect of stomach acid, you could try gaviscon to see whether that makes a difference.


    • Posted

      i tried nexum it is helping  thank you dr im not happy throat is sore from the acid,,,,i hve only have had symptoms to ss 4 weeks now

      all test negative yet ihave every symptom in the book

    • Posted

      Nexium is a PPI (proton pump inhibitor)  that reduces stomach acid and is often prescribed for a period of four - six weeks or so to see whether the reduction of acid gives your oesophagus / throat time to heal, so to be fair, the doctor is doing what GPs are advised to do.  

      I do not think there is any reason why you should not also take Gaviscon at the same time.   Likewise milk of magnesia, but your pharmacist would advise you on this, and there may be something that would also help soothe your throat.

      At the end of the course of nexium, go back for another GP appointment if things have not cleared up to discuss what to do next.

      This is easier said than done, but tension and anxiety may contribute to the acid levels in some people, so trying to find ways to relax might help things.

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      (disclaimer: Not medical advice, see a (better) dr., etc )

      Your symptoms seem very similar to how mine came about.  Have you recently moved?  Has it been unusually dry in your area?

      If the nexum doesn't seem to help (seemed to make things worse for me), then it's very likely triggered by stress itself.

      I found that during attacks, it can help to stretch the neck.  Look waaaay up, and stretch the front of your throat, hold it there for 30-60 secs at a time, it may give some relief.

      Otherwise, try relaxing -- I use Cannabis personally to help with this, and it works wonders (so long as it's a strain that's not too potent, I prefer a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC which I find very effective without the risk of adding to anxiety).

      Eating DOES seem to give relief, but watch what you eat.  Try avoiding garlic and onions, maybe even cheese and greese/oil, all of these things tend to give me the burps, which makes the globus sensation worse.

      Just don't over-eat, epsecially close to bed time.  The days I wake up with an attack, it's generally because I was too full going to bed. Propping up the head of your bed a little could help if it's possible for you to do so.

  • Posted


    listen you are not alone there are a multitude of swallowing diseases that you could possibly have. I also have very similar symptoms to what you have and after a series of test that an upper GI doctor can order. There are support groups available to help you understand what you are going thru. I am sorry for your concern and keep me posted. I am from the States but have met many people from the UK with the same disorders. Just know there are others out here. J

  • Posted

    Sam, also ou need to be careful of taking Nexium or other PPIs because they will strip your guts of the natural flora! You can research this on the Internet. I was able to get that under control by eating plenty of foods with probiotics. J


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