Glucose test
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I've just had a glucose tolerance test and it has come back as being faults which I'm guessing is a good thing. So I guess my question would be is it possible to still have blood sugar problems if this test comes back okay? My ac-1 test was slightly elevated at 5.8. The reason why I'm wondering is I've been having a lot of vision problems for the past few months and my doctor thought it would had something to do with blood sugar. Thank you if you can help I really appreciate it.
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seangreen420 tyler04178
if this was my result than I would have nothing to worry about.
micksmixxx seangreen420
I'm afraid, seangreen420, that you are mistaken. A HbA1c level of 5.8% is NOT fantastic. It indicates that the person who had the test MAY well be already suffering with pre-diabetes.
A non-diabetic would have a HbA1c level of 5.6% or lower.
A pre-diabetic would have a HbA1c level between 5.7% and 6.4%.
A diabetic would have a HbA1c level of 6.5% or higher.
MtViewCatherine tyler04178
Also, neck problems caused by whiplash or even cold weather can result in vision problems.
Im not trying to minmize your concern, just rule out some of the simpler things.
mollymoos tyler04178
was this a one-off test or a 3mth test?
tyler04178 mollymoos
micksmixxx mollymoos
I'm afraid, mollymoos, that you are mistaken. A HbA1c level of 5.8% is just inside the realms of pre-diabetes.
A non-diabetic would have a HbA1c level of 5.6% or lower.
A pre-diabetic would have a HbA1c level between 5.7% and 6.4%.
A diabetic would have a HbA1c level of 6.5% or higher.
A HbA1c test is ALWAYS a 3 months test.
tyler04178 micksmixxx
MtViewCatherine micksmixxx
micksmixxx MtViewCatherine
Hi, MtViewCatherine,
No, ma'am, I'm on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Although the figures I quoted have only recently been given as guideline for diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes, the figures have been used by endocrinologists for about 20 years now.
x x x x
x x x
P.S. Please don't be offended, or alarmed, at the 'x's'. It's merely a logo, of sorts, that I've been using for about the last 40 years.
MtViewCatherine micksmixxx
Thanks so much.
sarah87162 tyler04178
I have no actual medical knowledge except that I am diabetic Type 2 myself. My guess would be that if you have had a glucose tolerance test that has come back OK then your blood sugar should be fine. It may be worth asking your doctor why they though your vision problems were related to blood sugar. Don't be afraid to ask these questions if you do not understand.
Take care and keep in touch
Jonathan57679 tyler04178
tyler04178 Jonathan57679
You're awesome man! Thank you and I'll be trying this
MtViewCatherine Jonathan57679
I used a lot of coconut cream for my mother got a while, trying to help her gain weight. I put it in smoothies. This didn’t seem to help her gain weight, but may have had a cleansing effect, as it worked quite well as a laxitive, though not what I was going for.