God one minute . Cold the next .
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Is anyone else suffering from this ? Extremely hot one minute then so cold . I keep thinking I'm coming down with flue but no sign of a cold . I feel like my insides are burning and tingling . I get my self in such a state thinking the worst . At times in so scared it only makes things worse . Light headed,anxious,my whole body throbs from the inside . It's like I'm screaming to get out .
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Suki_girl samantha_12886
Not sure about cold. I guess our whole temperature regulation is f**ked! After all, when women have periods their core temperature rises. So temperature regulation is hormone related.
Suki_girl samantha_12886
I assume you meant "hot" not "God" unless you have having a religious epiphany!
samantha_12886 Suki_girl
Yes i meant hot ! Stupid predictive . 😂
Guest samantha_12886
juanita93228 samantha_12886
Thank God I'm past the hot flash stage! Finally! I just realized one day I hadn't had one in a month. I've always been cold natured so that's nothing new for me. But many women on this forum(including myself have complained of inside tremors, like you're shaking on the inside). I can only tell you that this too shall pass. In the meantime try deep breathing and mediation. You might also try taking magnesium and adding turmeric to your food, both are good for anxiety, but be sure and put black pepper in your food, it helps your body to absorb the turmeric better. Most of us try to go natural , but sometimes it works some times it doesn't. I'm currently taking a mild antidepressant/sleep aid called Trazodone, and I do have Valium if I hit a rough patch(I only take the Valium as needed).
But on the flip side, I drink plenty of water, the turmeric(which combined with the Trazodone has really helped me sleep better), I take an over 50 multivitamin for women, and fish oil. I stretch every day, and take the stairs at work. You are not alone. ((((((hugs))))) I does get better.
Suki_girl samantha_12886
Is it 'hot flushes' or 'hot flashes'? I looked it up and wiki says it's either. I prefer flushes because you become flushed with heat. A hot flash is something men get arrested for!
Guest Suki_girl
You say tomato I say tomahto..
I guess if it's a good looking guy it would be called a "hot" flash! hehe
Suki_girl Guest
At my age I'd be lucky to get a flash, let alone a hot one! 🙄
diditato50 samantha_12886
Suki_girl samantha_12886
In other posts lots of women swear by sage suppliments for hot flushes. Interestingly, I have been taking sage and my hot flushes have stopped. But then, I am also using ovestin cream so that might have something to do with it. And then there is also the up and down unpredictable roller coaster of menopause ... I had hot flushes every few hours when my periods stopped for 6 months but now my periods have started again (and they are REGULAR damn it!), the hot flushes have stopped. So I can't say for certain it is the sage. But it is just a garden herb, so it can't do any harm to try it.
I must admit I do not think I am out of the woods yet, not at all.
didi0613 samantha_12886
Yess... I usually start out cold at night, getting into bed freezing. I put on my footies, but then about an hour into the night, I wske up hot, and pulling off the socks and sometimes the blankets too. It's normal to feel cold and tge feverish. I feel I take my trmperture every night. I start off at 97.6 and then about 98.6. So weird, but very normal.
sharPharmD samantha_12886
Sally4x samantha_12886
For the last few months I have had times where I feel like I am coming down with the flu, but don't. I have had loads of blood tests and they were all normal so I am putting it down to another symptom of this hell.