Going back to work

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I would love to take six months off and get myself right. When my leave is up and I don't returned; I was told my job could not be guaranteed for me. I work in a school system and my title is licensed Special Education Paraprofessional. Its a state program calked Babies Can't Wait. We deal with Developmentally delayed kids ages 3-5 if they are severely we can keep them until they are six. So small furniture and carpet play and teach. My knee is no where ready for that.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    janice83811 i canot forsee that you will make it back and make such an bad expeience worse i have been on cructhces for 4 years waiting my turn for both knees and one is 12 weeks post op and i still sometime use both just depends it takesw up to 12 monts for a real complete healing and i know that your work is important, but how will you do it if you cant walk after gouing back on that knee and carpet job. Please think about this seriously and do the right thing, i am worried realy i know what it means to be out of work but out of work and in constant pain ? regards danie from south africa
  • Posted

    that is really bad . . I dont know which country you are in, but I don't think they could do that here in spain if you had a permanent contract . . .but laws are different all over the place!  I think it will always be difficult for you to get down to floor level though . . 
  • Posted

    I am 57 year old Occupational Therapist. I had bilateral TKR 3/3/15. I was told my job would not be guaranteed if I was out more than 13 weeks. As s result, I went back at 13 weeks. I, too, was no where near ready! My walking was horrible and I felt horrible. Now at 20 weeks I am much better, though far from where I wang to be. Six months would have been ideal. Oh well! ..I know where you are coming from. By the way, my regular hours are only 20 hours per week and that wasn't easy. Will theet u do less hours per week for awhile? Good luck!
    • Posted

      I work from 8am-3pm. At times some are not potty trained and I have to lift them on a changing table. Hopefully we won't get any runners. Because I definitely couldn't catch him or her. I love my job and would hate to loose it, but if I am not ready to return. We have some that cannot walk and we I use strollers. Right now I am the one who needs the stroller at times. Lol
  • Posted

    JANICE..... Be real if you areunBle to function at work properly, how I the heck can  You help/assist the children. So think about it...you will only do harm to yourself and may not be able to work for many many more months! Donesn't your job offer. A leave of absence ? Surely sometype of provisions are available. You'll only be mad at yourself if you don't allow your knee the time it needs to heal. Bless you girl! Find that loop-hole!!!!!!!
  • Posted

    Wow! Janice that's awful.hiw on earth can they expect you to be safe with lifting little children..mmm...not good at all..don't you work for the government? can't believe that they would do that...be blessed Janice...hooe there can be a compromise fir you...have a lovely weekend..:-) xxx
  • Posted

    I have just been to an occupational health consultation arranged by my employer. The doctor has advised my employer that I should return on a phased return for the first month, he also made further suggestion that my job is modified temporarily to accommodate any difficulties I may face on my return. he answered a series of questions from my employer, but one thing I did pick up on was that I was protected under the disability at work act.
    • Posted

      So glad to hear that!  Noone should be in a position where they have to return to work before they are ready or lose their job!

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