Going backwards

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Has anyone hD 3 or 4 really good days and then suddenly felt as if they'd started to go backwards

i'm nearly 8 weeks post op and as I say I've had 3 really good days ...virtually pain free and sleeping longer than my usual 2 hours at night.

then this morning the pain restarted and it's been too painful to do any exercises.

 Another  emotional day. 



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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Yep - I'm 14 weeks and still get those days where I feel I'm going backwards!

    Everyone tells me I won't feel "normal" for at least 6 months to a year, so that keeps me from completely flipping out 

    Hang in there dear Jean - we are all in the same boat!


  • Posted

    Yes Jean I feel the same way at six weeks .For a couple of days I feel that I am really going forward and then out of nowhere the pain is back and I can hardly walk. I have noticed that it depends on how much sleep I have. A good night is followed  by a good day. Then I have a poor night and I'm good for nothing the next day.
    • Posted

      Thank you Carol

      this site has helped me to realise we all go through the weepy and bad days I'm so glad I found it 

      I'm just hoping I don't feel weepy when I see the Surgeon tomorrow or I'll feel a fool

      but tomorrow might be a good day fingers crossed.

  • Posted

    Yes, I've been there lots of times and still get good days then bad days at 14 weeks post op. I agree with Carol that sometimes being tired makes things worse. I find it's the worst thing to cope with as it's so hard to take comfort in making progress as you're always aware it could be worse again the next day. I try to look back over 3 or 4 weeks and try to compare how I am a bit better than I was then. I just hope that one day we'll feel good and stay good👍 Hope you feel better tomorrow, Jean. 
    • Posted

      Thank you Jennifer

      i keep looking back on the first couple of weeks which were really bad and thinking ...yes I have made a lot of progress 

      I'm so glad I'm retired and don't have to think about getting back to work.

      i suppose old age has it's compensations ....lol

      tomorrow is another day 

    • Posted

      Hi Jen .very wise and true words Jen  having an awfull day yesterday,I couldn't sleep or comfortable was sitting up in bed at 2oclock crying like a baby and telling myself I will never be right again. Woke this morning, feeling ok been shopping and felt quite comfortable, just can't get my head round it. See what tomorrow brings eh. Bless you for your wise words from tucks xx
    • Posted

      Hi Tucks, look at my post on another thread re wine 😊 xx
  • Posted

    Don't worry Jean, the surgeon told me this is normal. I have had a row of good days and then setbacks from weeks four post op right through to week 15. I think it will take me the full six-12 months to fully recover. 

    Some nights I have terrible pain when I roll over in bed, other nights I don't feel a thing.

    Good luck!

    • Posted

      Thank you Jenny

      perhaps I'm expecting too much too soon

      i need to be patient 

       Jean x

  • Posted

    Sadly jean this is how things are going for me too. I'm 11weeks tomorrow  I have maybe 3good days and then wham, back to pain ,exhaustion weepiness. I was like it yesterday having had 2good days. I was in pain all day,knee red hot, aches in my hips when I walked, couldn't sleep, sat up in bed and cried like a baby. This morning seems to have settled back down been shopping but not had a walk or done excersise yet, afraid to incase it starts again. Will it ever end jean, my knee feels very strong, my bends and flexes really good. So why do I feel as if I have come to a stop and will never feel the same again. You are not on your own out there jean, surely it has to get good soon.? Take care and god bless from tucksxx
    • Posted

      Just thought I'd let you know I've had a good afternoon😊 Did the new exercises this morning. Went out for lunch with my husband. Walking from car park to restaurant wasn't great BUT after lunch and 2 glasses of wine felt so much better. Did a shop in Tesco afterwards and walking round the was the best I have felt! Hoping it was the exercises but it was probably the wine 😊😊 Probably be back to a bad day tomorrow but feeling good now 😊 Maybe that's the answer for us all - a few glasses of wine with lunch each day! Jen x
    • Posted

      I'm with you Jennifer - I think the wine has definite medicinal results😄 ( hope I said that right)

      I wanted to ask you and others who are 12 weeks or beyond post op - when you lie in bed at night, on either side, if you try to stretch and straighten your TKR leg out, does it hurt or feel like you are twisting it? I can only comfortably stretch & straighten it out if I'm lying on my back. Otherwise it feels weird and I fear I will twist or damage my knee somehow. This just started a few weeks ago and it is very difficult to get comfortable at night unless I keep my knees bent or lie on my back.

      Hope this is temporary and that I'm not feeling this piece of metal for the rest of my life! 

      BTW what "new" exercises are you doing? I must have missed that post.


    • Posted

      I'm with you Jennifer - I think the wine has definite medicinal results😄 ( hope I said that right)

      I wanted to ask you and others who are 12 weeks or beyond post op - when you lie in bed at night, on either side, if you try to stretch and straighten your TKR leg out, does it hurt or feel like you are twisting it? I can only comfortably stretch & straighten it out if I'm lying on my back. Otherwise it feels weird and I fear I will twist or damage my knee somehow. This just started a few weeks ago and it is very difficult to get comfortable at night unless I keep my knees bent or lie on my back.

      Hope this is temporary and that I'm not feeling this piece of metal for the rest of my life! 

      BTW what "new" exercises are you doing? I must have missed that post.


    • Posted

      Hi Betty, I don't think I get a problem stretching the leg out in bed but I'm still a bit wary about how I lie I suppose. I'm still more comfortable with a pillow between my knees and I only stretch out on my back or with the pillow if that makes sense. I take my wheat bag and put that under my leg for a while before going to sleep too. I think this helps to relax the muscles. 

      My new exercises are those the physio gave me yesterday to help strengthen the hamstrings and gluteus. I'm hoping they're going to help get rid of this pain in the back of my leg when I walk. 

      Hope you can get comfy tonight. Jen x

    • Posted

      Hi Betty I can't sleep on my back. Icn sleep now on my operated side with the leg stretched out. Doesn't feel like its twisting though worth speaking to you physio about it take care xx
    • Posted

      Good for you Jen, I'm with you on the wine front, really think it helps you relax. Isn't a day like that lovely you feel human again. Hope this is the beginning of the end my freind, I shall be having wine on Friday and Saturday  it will be chin up and go for it love tucks xx
    • Posted

      Hi everyone I went to see my Surgeon today and  he surprised me by saying he was very pleased with my progress

      he did grab my knee and bend it backwards which took me by surprise and he said you will curse me today ...but... You will thank me for this.

      he also said I can drive when I feel confident enough too.

      so all in all a good day

      even though at the moment it hurts like heck 

      so to everyone who thinks like I did they weren't getting anywhere...just hang in there 

      onwards and upwards x


    • Posted

      You're right there, Tucks. Glad you're looking forward to your wedding. I'm sure you'll have a good time - and enjoy the wine 🍸🍸 xxx
    • Posted

      There you go then jean, that has to be good news for you. It is going to be painful for a while I suspect. You are obviously making progress albeit slowly. Lets drink to that my freind tucks x
    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer,

      Yes that makes perfect sense. I also sleep with a small pillow between my knees and when I roll onto my back, I put the pillow under my TKR knee for support. It just feels more comfy that way.

      I'm fine on my side when my knees are bent, it's just that weird "twisting" feeling I get if I stretch it out. No problem or weird feeling if stretched out while lying flat, only on my side. 

      Hmmm - it's probably one of those weird sensations that will eventually go away.

      Cheers 🎃

    • Posted

      Good news, Jean 😊 Well done! It's so reassuring to be told by the experts that you're progressing well isn't it? Good luck with the driving - it's really not as bad as you fear. Once I did it once I was fine. Xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Tucks

      i'm feeling great about what he said....even though it hurts right now

      i know It will be slow but it's going the right way...forwards not backwards as I thought 


    • Posted

      Thank you Tucks. Like I told Jennifer it's probably one of those weird sensations that will eventually go away when the surgical area is healed up. If not I will certainly talk to my surgeon.

      Have an absolutely wonderful time this weekend! Betty😍

    • Posted

      Thank you 

      yes it's good when the experts tell you your doing well 

      I will take it steady with the driving...just go local to start 

      I'll try not to moan from now on 

      he also said get rid of the crutches and use a stick as it will help me walk straighter 


    • Posted

      You're probably right about it being one of those many weird sensations! I'll be trying various ways of stretching out tonight - I 'll let you know how it feels 😊 x
    • Posted

      Don't worry about moaning, Jean. Hopefully you won't need to but, as you've found, we all get bad days. X

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