Going crazy at 55! But still have my periods
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I've been reading some comments on the forums and need reassurance. I've never suffered from depression or anxiety until I was 51 years old. At which time I though i was going crazy and visited all of my docs, my gynecologist prescribed lexapro and it did help. After about 2 years I felt better and got off of it and was fine for 3 years, at least any depression or anxiety was manageable and I hated the side effects- weight gain and lower sex drive- to an already diminished sex drive.
Now at 55.5 on my last cycle I woke up nauseous, depressed which fueled anxiety- for the last month and a half I have been miserable. I used to sleep great (and I miss it) my sleep is terrible almost wake up hourly, vivid dreams, hot and then cold.
I've stopped drinking diet sodas ( addicted and miss it so much even after 1.5 months) and trying to quit sugar. I started St. John's wort- ( second bottle half done) I don't see too much change...I mean I want my old self back. I have better days today its terrible. I feel my body is breaking apart- constipated, depressed, anxious, tinnitus, dizzy sometimes- the one constant is my period , although the last one was 10 days long and light...so maybe the end is near. I had ob/gyn ultrasound and waiting for those results...no one I know has gone through menopause with all of the symptoms I have. HELP my doctor mentioned Paxil instead of Lexapro if the depression continues. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated...as I feel I'm going crazy
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debra16694 jacqueline59683
Hi Jacqueline - Ugh! I feel your pain - I stopped menstruating @ 55 & am now 61 & have actually had the worst last year of my life with all the same symptoms as you describe - For me, I was caregiving for my elderly parents & either I was so stressed I didn’t notice, or my body was in some denial status because once my caregiving duties stopped, my body went into complete “Menopause on steroids” - I wish I had the magic pill or solution to help you through this awful time, but I don’t - things that have helped me...acupuncture, Chinese herbs (from acupuncturist) a great B vitamin, Calm & staying away from sugar & carbs & caffeine - although I allow myself 1 cup of tea or coffee in the A.M. i Never suffered from depression (would have my crying jags) but my issues were more about anxiety. I just used lavender & rescue remedy & someone told me when you are in the middle of an attack, grab some ice in your hand & it takes your mind away from your panic attack & don’t forget to breathe deep - I actually have an appt to talk to a hormone specialist, cuz I am really sick of feeling this way - I look at pictures of myself & don’t even recognize myself & it ain’t pretty! Ugh! Good Luck to you, hope you feel better soon -
jacqueline59683 debra16694
Thank you for responding, I've been thinking of Vitamin B complex and Rescue remedy too. Thank you please let me know what the specialist recommends. My gyno says once I have gone through menopause she can give me hormone replacement- shes on it, and she looks better than ever- but not while my body is still making hormones. Because of my family medical history I'm not a candidate now.
Again thanks for responding and good luck.
Woo3353 jacqueline59683
You aren't alone on this one, my story is very similar, but I suffered at 49 years with severe anxiety, erratic periods etc. Had 2 x biopsies, went on Prozac for 18 months, gained 2 stone in weight. 22 months on I came off Prozac, had a progesterone coil fitted (helped periods) still get mood swings, slight anxiety, still got the extra weight on but you know what I just don't care anymore, I know menopause is coming so bring it on. I believe getting in the right mindset, hypnotherapy, taking natural supplements, giving up sugar / processed foods and light exercise has helped, I still get bad days but I get over anxiety by telling myself its my hormones. Try to keep positive thoughts, no stressing as this fuels anxiety. take care
jacqueline59683 Woo3353
Thank you for your suggestions, I'm gong to have to toughen up, just some days its too much. I like the positive self talk, I haven't been doing that I have been trying to figure out some rhyme or reason to these symptoms when there really is one- eventual menopause. I just cant believe it can cause so much havoc and keep thinking its something terrible the doctors have missed and then I work myself into a worry frenzy.
Thank you for responding it makes me feel as if Im not going crazy.
Be well.
debra16694 jacqueline59683
Oh believe me...I am sitting on a rather hefty ER bill (even after insurance) - This menopause thing has sent me to the ER, Urgent Care, Drs, specialists, dermatologists, naturopaths, etc & etc. My family & even close friends think I am a hypochondriac, so I now don’t even share my symptoms & bad days. Unless you have been thru this, nobody gets it - I just keep praying that I am going to wake up and feel great, that my extra baggage has disappeared, my food/alcohol intolerances no longer exist & my skin/hair & nails return to normal & that I can laugh instead of cry & have a carefree attitude instead of the end of the world gloom & doom - I am not asking for much am I? Hah!
julie54379 jacqueline59683
You are not going crazy, but the doctors will make you think you are. All they have to offer is an antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and a referral to a psychiatrist. I had one that dismissed me because I wouldn't accept that the multiple symptoms I was having were psychological and wouldn't see a psychiatrist. Had another one dismiss me because I got a saliva hormone test instead of blood (but wouldn't answer my questions about blood test), and because I asked questions and took up too much of their time.
Have been two multiple docs and ER visits and only one suggested perimenopause. Would be better to consult the many meno practitioners online, because regular MDs and even gynecologists seem to know nothing about peri or meno and will just write a script for a pill.
I would advise getting your hormones tested including FSH. You can do saliva, blood, or both. Most docs don't believe in saliva testing, but the World Health Organization and doctor john lee (expert on hormone balance) say it's the most accurate.
I have constipation alot, I think due to metabolism slowing down. Try getting thyroid levels checked, too, and take a thyroid supplement with iodine. Also B vitamins and zinc, which are needed for hormone snythesis, and magnesisum.
Yes I had nauseau too.
Hang in there, it will get better! If you start taking bio-identical hormones, I would advise taking them separately. You can get USP progesterone cream at a health food store, so you don't have to fool with the docs, expensive testing and the challenges that come with trying to get a doctor to write a script for bio-identical hormones. I wish I had known early on that progesterone is the first hormone to drop, not estrogen, making us estrogen dominant. Using that alone can take care of most symptoms. If after trying that, you still have bad symptoms, you can try many herbal remedies for estrogen over the counter also first, without having to fool with the docs.
Hang in there! We have all been there!
jacqueline59683 julie54379
Thank you for your kind words, you will not believe how much they comfort and help me. I'm going to look into the progesterone cream. My gyno says hormone testing is of no use, my pcp did test my blood hormone but didn't say anything about the results, only that my vitamin D was low 25, hemoglobin was 11.3, my ferritin was 4 and lab flagged them as low- he still was not concerned.
How are you handling the constipation?
Again thank you, God bless you may we get over this soon.