Going crazy. Please help
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I've been on celexa 5mg for 10 days. feel like im going crazy. i cant still still or i have racing thoughts. but want to just sit down. cant cry cant doing anything. do i need to go up or is this just not the medicine for me?
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david40845 heather34807
Stick with it Heather. The early stages on Citalopram are like this, first week or two, increased anxiety, restlessness. After that it tends to settle. I tried to breathe through it, and tried to occupy myself with some jobs around the house, sleep when I could. Hang in there.
I'm 18 weeks on 20mg. Have several days, sometimes a week of feeling completely back to normal, then a week of regression, not as bad as when I started on this. It's up and down like that for a few months I'm told.
heather34807 david40845
Thank you! I'm going to stick with it, it's so hard. I've been trying to stay busy. My house is going to be spotless. I wish it was nice outside so i could get out and do more too. I just wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Seems so far away.
david40845 heather34807
It does. I'm in a blip at the moment, feeling like I'll never get better, even though I've had good patches. This damn anxiety just muddles things up and makes it so hard to feel positive and see an upside to anything. It's slowly been getting better for me, it will for you too.
heather34807 david40845
i know its so hard. i feel like im a robot not even living. seeing everything from the outside. dont know if thats normal with this or its just the anxiety of it. Im tired of that feeling. Trying to stay positive that its all the process. Thank you for talking it definitely helps.
jadelou93 heather34807
Stay Strong Heather!
Im on week 15 on 20mg and i promise you it does get better, i was in a very bad place before i started, and my anxiety sky rocketed for the first 2 weeks, to the point i was terrified, but once i got to about 6-7wks i started having a few good days, and then a few bad, eventually the good out weigh the bad days and you will see it. I actually have a mood diary that has helped me realize how much they have helped me. Please stick with it, it will get better. I know how hard it is, and i know its scary, but never be afraid to post here, we've all been through alot with these meds, and we all have a different experience, and some very very similar.
my inbox is always open if you need a chat x