going fofom 15 t0 30mg

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I started with 30mirt .Stopped after 4 days. on my own went t7.5 then 15. was having anxiety but little depression. went to 30 and felt very tired.Still a little anxiety but maybe a little more depressed. Only been 5 days. Will tiredness go away. Will depression and axiety improve. I thought the lower doses made you more tired but Ifeel the opposite. ALSO a little achey in am. by the way what is a stone in weight.

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4 Replies

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    My take is you have been modifying your dosage too much and your body has yet to adjust.  You say it's only been 4-5 days, yet you have gone from 30 --> 7.5 --> 15 --> 30 mg in that time.  Higher doses (30 mg+) are more activating, meaning you should feel less tired.  Most people claim that the drug seems to really take effect after about a month.  I was only on the drug for a month myself before discontinuing.  I experienced a lot of side effects.  It did help with my insomnia a little bit and definitely improved my appetite, but not enough for me to continue taking the drug.  Drug made me completely unproductive during the day - had great difficulty getting out of bed and just wanted to hang out in m,y recliner all day.  So happy to have discontinued this medication.

  • Posted

    When you increase a dose unfortunately you have to be patient and go through it! I have recently increased to 45mg (one week and half ago) and the first week was a bit though for me because I felt my depression got worse a bit and now I am actually starting to feel a bit better. I have been on Mirt 5 weeks in total. How are you doing now?
    • Posted

      terrible anxiety but the tiredness has improved. what dose did you start at. did you have anxiety
    • Posted

      I started on 15mg and kept taking them for just under a week then got upped to 30 for 2 weeks and 45 nearly 2 weeks now. I had severe depression and I suppose slight anxiety because when you feel depressed you get frustrated and upset with the way you feel.... it’s my fifth week now and probably the best really since I recognised the signs of depression... I seem to have 2 days when I feel much better and then one crappy day and then again 2 better days. I hope it is going to level out soon once I’ve been on 45 a bit longer.

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