Going in for 4th Cystoscopy since Oct.
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Background first..... Went for Cystoscopy in Oct because of urinary pain, problems initiating flow, pee trickling, constant feeling of not draining bladder and UTI symptoms without infections showing up in tests. This went on for over a year before I could get a Dr to listen. Anyway, first Cysto could not be done, my urethra was too narrow. a month later In went in for a rigid under Anastasia. Dr found stricture, was stretched. They said I was fixed, sent me home with antibiotics. My symptoms never got better. As soon as the antibiotics were done I started peeing blood. Walk in put me on antibiotics for another month till I could see my Surgeon again. Stopped peeing blood but symptoms continued. Saw Dr in his office last month. Said he could not do any treatment till he knows what's wrong, with another cysto. He assured me we would not need another rigid and that the soft would work this time. Went in for it yesterday. He couldn't get the scope in. The dilatation he did in Nov. did not work at all. I was given the option yesterday of another dilatation attempt or I will have to Self cath every day. (booked the dilation yesterday)Have a few questions. One, has anyone had a dilatation fail and the next one worked? Second. It is going to be another month till they can get me in for the dilatation but did not send me home with a cath and don't seem to care that they are leaving me for another month without being able to fully drain my bladder. Does this seem OK? The reason I ask is my husband went in for a systo right after me in Nov due to similar symptoms and as soon as they saw he wasn't draining fully, they had a cath in and he had surgery within weeks. He is now fully fixed.
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I should also say I'm a 37 year old woman.
davidjk22 kandyoh80
kandyoh80 davidjk22
That is the problem. They did not send me with a cath. I was told to go home in the condition I am in and wait another month unable to fully drain until they can get me in for another rigid systo and dilatation. I will only be shown how to self cath if I refuse the procedure or if it doesn't work again.( I will however be forced to wait ANOTHER month after the procedure to see the surgeon again. So that means if the dilatation on March 13 doesn't work, I will not be taught how to cath until mid April) I am a little concerned that they don't seem worried about my health during this wait. They do not have me on any meds of any kind for this either. Again, the reason I'm concerned is that my husband had a very similar situation in Nov and his surgeon seemed a whole lot more worried about him than mine is about me.
davidjk22 kandyoh80
I went to the hospital as a day case, expecting to be there only for a few hours, but because the surgeon had problems with the dilation, said it took 3 times longer than usual I was kept in overnight. The surgeon explained that the catheter was important to help with the healing process, said it was like scaffolding to keep things in place. Having said that I had no pain or real discomfort. If I had to go through it again I would do so no problem. Self cath is no problem and is quite easy to do. Most important don't worry it is not necessary and won't help. Good luck.
alan86734 kandyoh80
Best of luck, alan86734.
kandyoh80 alan86734
Hi, He is a urologist. He is supposed to be the best in my city. I'm stuck with him now anyway. Lol. It would take months to get into another.
Debbie1203 kandyoh80
kandyoh80 Debbie1203
My husband's urologist in in the middle of retiring and turning over his practice to another surgeon. Lol. He has even less time than mine.
. I have had enough though and am going in to the ER here today. I spoke to a health Link nurse (medical phone service here) and she said I need to go in right away and get a cath. I should not be left like this for another 4 weeks. (her words).
. So at least I might be in less pain after today?
Debbie1203 kandyoh80
kandyoh80 Debbie1203