Going in for manipulation on New Year's Eve

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Saw my surgeon on Tuedsay and he wants to try manipulation next week. It will be 11 weeks since my TKR. Told him I need to be able to bend the knee and pretty much be pain free by February for my job as I will have to be standing a great deal then. He says after they do the manipulation they put in an epidural and keep you in the hospital for 1-2 days so you can keep it bent without pain. Sure hope this works.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Good luck

    i hope the manipulation works well for you 

    all the best 


  • Posted

    I hope ope this help and gives u the outcome u need to continue .

    Keep us posted and what type of manipulation ?

    When life gives u set back, don't step back, God is preparing u for a comeback. 

    Were pullin fot ya! confused

  • Posted

    Hi Suzy, until your post I had no idea what manipulation even was. Have been trying to read up on it on the net and it sounds as though ROM increases significanty and they yield a fairly high success rate. Keep a positive mental attitude! 

    wish you all the best! We are rooting for you!biggrin


    • Posted

      See manunipulating kne after 10-12 weeks from surgery... Usually the patient is given pain meds or a epidural and the doc carefully moves the knee in all directions to help free any area that could have scar tissue blocking full movement.

      Sometime it's stiff from patients not taking their pain meds on schedule to do exercises to keep the knee flexable. My aunt had both knees done at the sme time. She was in rehab and nursing care 24/7. That was 2 years ago and she is doing great!shes in her 90's.

  • Posted

    Good morning suzy,

    First of all please try not to worry (I did), I had a maniplulation after 6 weeks. I did not have an epidural just meds and it really was not that bad. For the procedure they knocked me out 😀 then afterwards strapped me to a machine, it was sore but honestly it was not really painful. I needed the procedure because of lack of physio ( basically none because the NHS messed it up). But the physio in the hospital did say I still may have needed it, with young people (I'm 45) adhesions form really quickly and muscles heal much quicker etc etc.

    And the big thing.... It worked... my range afterwards was fantastic... With hard work. The best thing I did was to get on a proper exercise bike, I use this at least three times a day.... Looks nice in the dining room with baubles on.

    Good luck Suzy you will be fine.

    With warm wishes from a very snowy chesterfield!!!


  • Posted

    hi suzy ...just thought i would share my experience with you as i too had my knee manipulated (or mobilized as we call it here in switzerland.  sounds more "upbeat" as this is what we do it for :-)!!)

    my journey for 12 weeks up until the mobilization was the toughest of my life.  so i ealized i had to do it but i was absolutely petrified.  they gave me a pill to calm me down, put in a pain catheter in my back and knocked me out for 10 mins.  during this time the doctor gently bent the knee so that my heel touched my bum -- i know this as he proudly showed me the picture on his smartphone!  i woke up to no pain thanks to the pain catheter where they were pumping in morphine of some sort and was immediately put on the knee bending machine for 60 hours non-stop.  they turned the morphone off after 48 hours whilst still keeping me on my usual meds and - THANK GOD! - i had no pain.  my bend on the machine was 130 degrees.  

    i had this done on december 2 and i am delighted to say that it was the best thing i did.  i am still getting lots of physio, i have two knee bending machines at home which i use every day.  i can now walk down stairs normally and i have so much more mobility, i can even tuck my legs right under the seat on the train and so have stopped irritating fellow passengers!  the journey is not over yet as i need to build up my muscles in my leg again.  it looks like a little wasted chicken leg.

    it is useless for me to say don't worry.  you will worry.  and i understand.  keep focusing on the goal and the whole thing will be over in a blink of an eye.  my thoughts are with you.

  • Posted

    Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. I am looking forward to having this procedure done. I am so over all this. Two days pain free is sounding better all the time. I will keep you posted, and hope it goes as well as yours did Britta.
    • Posted

      All the best Suzy

      and what a lovely New Years  present 


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