Going mad and having anxieties
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I have not had a period for over a year since last year. My anxieties are out of control my moods are out of control i get dizzy had trouble sleeping last night. Have had stomach issues. Have been crying have been tired and weak. I feel like my life is out of control what can I do I'm already on medication for anxieties, and trazodone for sleep I need help have low thyroid tired angry moods, anxieties having problems calming myself down feel that I just want to hide away from the world please help me tell me what i can do about these stomach issues and angry mood swings and anxieties. Can't fight this feeling anymore please help
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donna38794 susan47122
susan47122 donna38794
jayneejay susan47122
Hope you have seen a doctor
Wish you well
jayneejay susan47122
big hugs to you
i sent you a PM
jay x
susan47122 jayneejay
kim27003 susan47122
I completely understand how you feel. I am dealing with a lot of the same issues. The headaches, dizziness, and my anxiety is through the roof right now.
If you don't mind my asking. Can you elaborate on the stomach issues you're having?. I have recently been dealing with some of my own. Loss of appetite, nausea.
Lot of these ladies offer really great advice.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
susan47122 kim27003
BellaRubia susan47122
Wish you to get better soon.
susan47122 BellaRubia
kerry91 susan47122
sorry you're feeling so bad. I thought I'd share what I've learnt about this awful time. When your estrogen levels drop cortisol levels are no longer kept in check. High Cortisol = anxiety and stomach issues. I've found it very effective to cut out sugar and carbs (Yes you lose weight and I know you're already losing, I've been there too, in fact I've never been so thin) because sugar and carbs excite your nervous system which is already overexcited. Deep paced breathing for about twenty minutes at a time also lowers your cortisol for several hours. Over xmas I was cheating and it's just caught up on me, sore stomach, hyper nervous and anxious and about 4 hours sleep for the last 2 nights. I'm off the sugar again and I know I'll be okay in a couple of days. I hope this helps
sue976 susan47122
susan47122 sue976
Crazydaisy72 susan47122
susan47122 Crazydaisy72
becky53379 Crazydaisy72