Going through menopause after a Hysterectomy..
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Hi ladies , is there anyone out there going through peri/menopause after a hysterectomy either total or partial with ovaries still in them?? What are your symptoms when did they start how bad are the symptoms? And how do you know you are indeed actually going through Menopause or peri if you don't have a period that your skipping? Have you had hormone testing? Do you just feel awful and you are at that age so you just assume menopause? Thats me I'm at that age (49) my symptoms cycle themselves every single month its just that without the periods skipping and hormones tested through bloodwork that are up and down how are we to know for sure? My hysterectomy was years ago and honestly I haven't felt the same since, even though ovaries were left in me to go through my menopause naturally there has been nothing natural about this process at all have felt bad ever since blood supply was cut off from my ovaries! So anyone out there care to share their experience I would love to read thanks ladies ❤❤❤
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Gigi368 Gypsy014
You just told my story.. I had a hysterectomy at 33 but kept my ovaries, I'll be 52 in March. I started hot flashes years ago, but in the last 2 years everything else has crept in.. my gyno (just had my check up yesterday) wont do any hormone testing bc they're up and down at any given time and according to her are inaccurate. I'm pretty sure mine are shriveled prunes considering I'm getting facial hair 😐. I think I have every symptom there is and it's not getting better. I'm currently battling oral thrush after a round of antibiotics, and by battling I mean since August! 10 days of a lozenge, 14 days of nystatin and just finished 7 days of diflucan and nothing is working and to top it off I keep getting vaginal yeast infections too.. my body has went haywire. Up until a couple years ago I swore no more periods were a blessing, I take that back now bc maybe I'd know where I was in this hellish nightmare. I'm on a vaginal estrogen cream for atrophy and dryness but that's all I can do. My gyno and GP refuse HRT even bioidentical because of cancer risk and I also have a wonky heart.
I'm ready for this to be over!
Gypsy014 Gigi368
Hi Gigi, thanks for sharing, I guess we never will truly know because we don't get periods anymore.. Thats a thought I never had until I started getting awful awful symptoms. That I wouldn't be able to track my menopause when I finally go through it, I would like to know if I'm nearing the end!
Gigi368 Gypsy014
That's the million dollar question! And does it get better? I don't remember any women in my family that had this hard of a time. If they did they hid it very well. My mom was full surgical menopause but went on HRT for a few yrs then just stopped taking it.. she passed a few months ago so I can't ask her how she felt. My aunt said all she got was terrible hot flashes for a while and it was over.. I just want it to be over!
Gypsy014 Gigi368
Gigi I'm sorry about your mom .. My mom gets many uti's now and that leave her very irritable and so confused almost like dementia so asking my mother about her menopause for me would be impossible however I remember her complaints a lot and of course she she didn't put it down to menopause , but I sure do looking back now and she had lots of sweating and saying she was hot her hips would hurt a lot lots of joint pains she use to say lots of pressure in her head and neck like a choking feeling around her neck and I get that now a lot so apple must not fall too far from tree.. She ended up with so much bleeding from fibroids so also ended up with surgical menopause at the age of 50, my sister was pretty much tge same, and same with her complaints that I now look back on and had extra dry eyes and many joint aches but never said menopause I just say it to myself now about the 2 of them that it must have been their change with awful symptoms, so lots of woman out there. I'm sure not putting two and two together with their own symptoms and menopause.. Both my sister and mother ended up with surgical menopause and took hormones as well go a couple years and both just stopped one day also. My mothers sister , my aunt is much more like me and when she heard I was going through such a tough time reached out to me and says yes menopause caused many many bad symptoms for her and made her life so bad for several years , and that the subject seemed to be taboo and no older woman would talk to her about it or give her advice , her husband had several older woman for sisters and all of them groaned to each other and all just kind of said oh no not the dreadful menopause to my aunt... My aunt says she had it all dizziness extra low blood sugar fainting weak jelly legs the crying and all the emotional side of it, she remembers feeling so alone through it all, and one day go I,g to hang a basket of wet clothes on the clothes line outside and just collapsing into the grass and crying thinking to herself I can't do this anymore she was so weak and depressed and sick and sick of all of it.. And I think she said my uncle told her she's got to pull herself together and get it together and picked her up and brought her to bed .. Thats what use to happen to a lot of woman back in the day the husbands would carry them off to bed after fainting, while they go drink whiskey and talk to their friends in the libraries of the big homes, or how about the woman who were carted off to the insane asylums in the old days and when menopause was over they came home... This is all so bad what we have to experience mind body and soul... My aunt does say be strong that I have no other choice as a woman I have to go through this, and that it will get better and that it will definitely leave me a changed woman, that it doesn't just end rather symptoms just start to become one day not so overwhelming one day and they start to become fewer and farther between..
Gigi, Also while on the subject of the woman back in the old days going through their menopause and getting carted off into insane asylums until menopause was over, I just wanted to compare a few of the famous people out there from our day who are clearly going through their own menopause because they are at that age and either its affecting them bad or from what can see from the outside not at all, and I name Heather locklear poor woman at that age Cleary can't cope and always in and out of rehab called that now instead of insane asylums.. Look at wendy willams she's fainted in front of us all and says she's going through her menopause and many more issues like graves disease that has hit her hard since she turned 50, and celine Dion with all the wright loss since turning 50.. Then there are stars like jlo doesn't seemed to be bothered by any of this same like gwen stefani not bothered at all.. So what's with that either it hasn't all hit them and others like them yet or they hide it well, and maybe on hormones.. I wish those famous stars would share and talk about this subject more, it needs to be talked about more and more so younger woman can be aware of what's to come and so that we can all who are suffering now can get the help we need , and so that doctors can be more helpful with this...
Gigi368 Gypsy014
That's the bad thing.. doctors don't seem to care, even female gynos! Mine is very young, in her 30s, so she has no clue what's waiting for her, shes only going by her text books. Men are just clueless. Which is why we were put away in the old days.
They really need to do more studies and develop something that can help that has no cancer, heart attack or stroke risks. That's wishing for a miracle lol. I dont have the funds to go to a holistic doc that I see lots of women say they go to or a meno specialist. Not that I have much faith in them either.. I just keep telling myself to breathe and take one day and one symptom at a time...