Going to the negative place...moving back to the positive place.
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Headed back to work in two weeks. I'm literally frightened to go back. When I was last at work I went through a terrible uti and LS flare up. I couldn't sit and was going to the bathroom every 15 minutes. I was so uncomfortable I couldn't concentrate on my work. I had to take many days off to go to numerous doctor appointments. At the same time I was caring for my elderly frail parents. As the days get closer to my return to work I get more anxious. I'm afraid that the stress will cause another flare up. Intellectually I know that I'll be okay but I worry. I also made the mistake to go to another LS support site and everything I read seemed so negative to me (ex. Clobetasol doesn't work, clobetasol won't stop the scaring and fusing.) I was feeling okay in terms of the LS. I'm healing slowly but healing. The skin still feels thin and now I'm experiencing nerve pain. I believe it's part I of the LS but also from sitting in an awkward position at work to avoid the bladder and vulva discomfort. My left pelvic, sciatic, leg, foot, left side of my vulva and clitoris hurt. I mentioned it to the vulva specialist. She thinks it's neurological nerve pain. I hope this will be resolved before I return to work. I became weepy and sad for bit but I am back to being proactive. I will schedule an appt. with a neurologist, acupuncturist and chiropractor. Any wise words... Don't want to focus on all the negative as if there is something positive of LS. Well I think Morrell may have said something like this," we go for a check up twice a year which is a good thing since we get screened for cancer more often than most women" Morrell sorry if I didn't get your words right. I'm thanking you for the wise words. If it's not Morrell thank you even if I've forgotten your name.
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kate207 Wil816
Wil816 kate207
kate207 Wil816
Wil816 kate207
josephine06597 Wil816
so sad to hear of you distress, but I think we all feel like that with a flare up.
I have been useing a small amout of Dermovate each morning, and I wash with E 45 Emollient wash. I havn't had a flare up for 3 years.
I know you are not supposed to use it every day, I feel it is a lesser of two evils. Take care Jo.
Wil816 josephine06597