Gone Gone Gone...Menopausal

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I am plagued by most menopausal symptoms. Hormones drive no slower than 70mph. I will go from everybody hates me to I hate everything to happy n giddy to bouts of worrying over everything to complete apathy! My hair once my strongest physical attribute has packed up and said later nice knowing u. I’ve traded Victoria’s Secret for Underalls and even now I hate the feel of most fabric. I once looked forward to a monthly visit from Auntie Flo and now she drops by occasionally. I miss warm coffee and have traded that in for homemade ice tea with honey as my voice is close to leaving home too. I freeze my family into leaving their jackets on in the house because I control the furnace like Freddy Kreuger. And my skin is starting to look like his! And don’t even get me started on...anything. Please tell me I am not alone. Anyone else living with the 7 dwarfs (squared!!) of the menopause?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Kelly, so sorry you're going through the madness, but your post made me laugh so hard. I try to take the witty route as well because if I can't laugh at myself I don't know what I'll do! 

    I don't have hot flashes (yet) and I'm not doing terrible yet with mood swings either, but I do have a huge amount of physical symptoms that effect my mood and scare the daylights out of me darn near everyday. 

    Keep your head up! And the fam can wear jackets they'll be fine! 

    I remember when my mom (she's 71 now) was age 49 to about 63, my kids would sleep in their clothes with hoodies if they stayed at her house LOL! 

    Hugs to you 💕

  • Posted

    You r nt alone its hsrd goin tru dis i hav no understanding to it as of nw am sweating in cold rsiny weather...gd luck
  • Posted

    Yes love ?? it is exactly what this is madness, everyone in my work is complaining because the AC is too high and cold wellllll me I have also my extra fan on my desk making my personal antártica just for my pleasure😂

    The anxiety is sooooo bad in me that I go from sweet Caroline to Freddy Kreuger myself mostly everyday. My husband that for 33 years has been served and indifferent to my emotions because I supposed to be able to handle everything now he run 🏃 to bring me a glass of water I think scare the hell out of him to see me like this.

  • Posted

    Hi Kelly 

    Brilliant words to describe this so called crap... the menopause... 

    no your no aloan, that’s how I feel, been over 4 yrs now in to menopause, and hoping it will come to the end soon, I stopped whereing makeup now, as just slides of my face like a fried egg on a plate, hair crap, skin, and so on, and on,...

    I use to be out with the girls every weekend soooo great fun, now not been out in last 2yesrs, as the woman in the mirror is surly not me any more, as I don’t know who it is😧....

    Hoping when all the crap is done, I start to like me again, big hug 🤗xx

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