Good Advice to read
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Hi all my lovely peri friends, i've just been reading an article from the Daily Mail website tilted how to sail through the menopause by Louise Atkinson. I'm sure many of you have lots of knowledge but its got some good tips on diet so have a read girlies. Hope your all coping better. sending my love x
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annieschaefer anxiousface
And that's just today's installment. It sets women up for possibly feeling like a failure if the results are not as expected.
Last year, I spent a lot of time practising gentle yoga, eating right(and I have still managed to gain weight lately) took up brisk walking, went back to full time work, traveled, ate all kinds of recommended supplements and you know what? I still feel like hell on many days. Granted I have just learned I'm now into hypothyroidism, that onset is a new one as my levels last year did not show it. Prior to that, I did start to feel like a failure because it seemed like no matter what I did, I was feeling worse. Until I found this site.
I think trying to tell women a very across the board way to do things and they will look and feel sexy during this time is a bit crazy.
Some women fly through this time period without so much of a tear...... and then some are like me who goes up and two women are alike.
I will continue checking in here, this is where I feel comfortable learning and sharing how to hopefully get through this without completely losing my sanity.
Hope you are doing well Anxiousface!
shaznay96184 anxiousface
No, don't be guided by me and my pessimism - don't forget I'm the eternal 'Glass Half Empty'-broad!!:-) I just thought it amazing that a newspaper would go to such lengths to inform their readers about this new 'phenomenon' called Perimenopause!!
I will read ever article with interest and hope that every GP's surgery in the UK has a paper copy available each day in their Waiting Rooms! Hardly likely as most GPs are probably more inclined to read the FT!!
Having said all that: am I really going to pay that much attention to a rag that thinks the extremely handsome and entertaining Jeremy Clarkson's worthy of making front page news, or that breast-feeding should be outlawed in public (I gest of course)?!!!!
Let's see how much they print that we haven't already READ on here! Think some of the ladies posting on this forum are as informed as you can get, but let's wait and see:-)
Tracky anxiousface
anxiousface Tracky
Tracky anxiousface
susan21149 anxiousface
I will read it and see what she offers
BellaRubia anxiousface