Good bacteria
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Hi does anyone know how long to keep taking good bacteria I'm taking femidopholis and acidophilus should I have a break from them?
For those who have used them vaginally ie femidopholis how are you doing this please?
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jayneejay liz53953
are you taking two different sorts ?
you can take ( as far as I know) pro biotics every day.. the gut changes daily and we eat different things sometimes what they term as rubbish etc.. antibiotics wreck our good bacteria etc etc ..
Inside our digestive tract we have somewhere around 100 trillion bacteria happily living in us. We’re like a giant high-rise building, and the bacteria are our tenants. About 7 lbs of “you” is really bacteria that live in your intestines, from your mouth to the other end.
so good pro biotics ' good bacteria ' are quite beneficial...
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
arr your taking the femidophilus for vaginal health care
and acidophilus for gut i think these are..
well I havent heard or read that they cannot be taken continually, long term, never.. I think if you couldnt it would state it on the jar dosage..
it if says daily and doesnt mention stop for a while etc then it should be fine
Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
puberty ... Blimey that seems yonks ago..😃
oh if we knew then what we know now ay....
I started using probiotics and they are fab ... I get the meno digestive disturbance ... One minute cant go next day have to run like a good one ..
anyway... The probiotics have eased all the digestive issues..
they are so good..
It gets better Liz... Had 9-10 years of this natural route I am 50 now..
feeling alot better now .. Just need B12 jabs for energy boost every 10 days it seems ...... then I am okay again.. Plus all the others i take ..
i rattle in the mornings 😃
take care Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
we pretty similar then.. 9-10 years for me.. natural peri.. I am 50 now
havent had period for a year.. ( will be a year on 2 Sept) I had a Gyno check on monday, and the Gyno Doctor guy was amazing... he showed me my ovaries etc via 3D ultra sound ... said they were menopause reached..
non functioning... no follicles .... it was so interesting, he measured them and uterine wall thickness ... explained all of it .. checked breasts via 3D imaging.
smears, colposcope to check internal vaginal wall and cells on cervix, the lot... never felt any discomfort, none, he was the nicest most professional Gyno ever, spent 1.5 hours with me doing all the ultra sounds, checks and talked through everything, my well being, menopause, how I am coping ... even have photos of it all... i was blown away by the technology.. came out speechless, hapoy and amazed.. just shows Gyno best choice as GP's havent a clue in my experience.. give up on GP's hence having this thorough well woman check with a Gynaecologist..
I live in Southern Spain...
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
Hablo un poco de español 😃 lo que necesita saber lo básico
yes this Gyno was Spanish .. and amazing..
ooooh thats sounds ooch... not heard of that one before .. poor you ..
Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
Como estas ?
It's a form of wait for it vulvadinya unexplained pain !!! I won't get incontinence because my muscles are good but they are too tight which causes muscle spasm . Could be caused from hysterectomy scars and shrinking bits due to menopause and loads of stress doesent help.
jayneejay liz53953
muy bien gracias.... casi 😕
good lord.. you have been through it too...
my Gyno told me mine was dry 😃 and thinning... ' oh Joy' looked at it with a colposcope...
lashings of Replens MD vag moisturiser for me .. trying them all..
just ordered some Premeno Duo ( non hormonal ) ovules to try, off amazon uk... keep hearing about them ... so will try...
spain do a brand range called Isdin .. for vaginal moisturiser internal, labial etc, thats pretty good too.. I am trying to see what i think is best for me..
blimey havent men got it made ...
no stress not good, but it happens doesnt it .. 😦
Jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
i am trying them all 😀 Replens okay, but its the white residue yak..
my other half in UK at mo ... he said its cold..
36 here most days in August ... August very hot, every one on go slow..
cant remember when i saw rain... lovely...
it was hotter two weeks ago, blimey... abit better now..
have to look at the vit e ones now 😃
take care Liz
jay xx