Good news for CFS

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Dr Davis of Stanford university the direct OMF has launch a new research study of CFS,the initial funding for the study is 5 million dollars,they plan to verify the university of California's research published August 30,the goal is to verify and come up with a diagnostic test for ME and CS

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47 Replies

  • Posted

    Dr. Davis is a highly respected researcher whose son, Whitney, is severely ill with ME/CFS. Dr. Davis is therefore highly motivated to find a cure for this illness.


    • Posted

      Thanks for posting this.  It gives me more hope since the doctor is so motivated.  I am sorry his son is ill, but perhaps something good will come from it, and that will earn him the gratitude of many, many people.
    • Posted

      Phillis--Have you seen the movie, "Forgotten Plague?" It's a documentary on ME/CFS and has a segment about Dr. Davis and his son, Whitney. It's an excellent film, but the segment on Whitney is heartbreaking.

    • Posted

      I haven't even heard of  it, Jackie.  I'll check it out on Amazon and see if I can rent a copy.  Thanks for the info.

  • Posted

    Thank you for  the information. Have you looked into getting in this study? Or is it one where one needs to travel to Stanford? Whatever the situtation I hope that the research will benefit the numerous people with MS/CFS. Again thanks for sharing the information.
    • Posted

      The study appears to have taken place in San Diego at UCSD. See the article I posted below ...
  • Posted

    Hi Patrickgeoffrey,

    To clarify, is this to find a diagnostic tool or is it to seek a cure as from the responses it looks like others see it as cure and may have more Info than your initial post?


    • Posted

      Actually the research is very advanced,they describe what the disease is and the biological markers that will lead too a cubistic test,basically the cells have gone into a protective hibernation state,they also list the triggers,tge triggers can be different but it is one disease,there is a long list of viruses and bacterial infections that are the triggers,it is an auto immune reaction to an infection
    • Posted

      Hi There again Patrickgeoffrey,

      Thankyou. I looked at the link and couldn't see anything about the triggers. Here in the UK the ME association link other trauma as well as CFS/ME being triggered by a virus. MIne is from a car crash where I was injured and I've been the same as I am now ever since.  I thoroughly believe that the body is trying to protect us-as you say above in a  kind of hibernation. It is an amazing condition, although completely unwanted by us all on here ! Mine I feel is an auto immune reaction to my near death experience. I know of others who have got this after surgery, childbirth, pregnancy... It's like the body wrongly over protects some of us. 

      It is exciting times for us and gives hope of relieve from this frustrating ,dibilitating condition. 


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