Googled Again!
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Hi. My mom called me and her doc wants to test her for Polymyalgia Rhueumatica and Arterial Temparitis. So of course I googled it and the symptoms sound just like most of what I’ve been sufferering with. The joint pains (frozen shoulder), flu like malaise, etc.. I had so many of the symptoms and back when this all started I had elevated liver enzymes that eventually calmed down. I’ve been to all kinds of specialists including a rheumatologist. But I’m wondering if they missed this, or am I just in a googling anxiety frenzy now???? My feet and legs are burning and I feel that pain in my back and slight flu feelings. Could it be this and not perimeno?? Although why do I feel better on some days and not others? Arghhhhhhh Heakth anxiety creeping up. Help!
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Str8tfans Guest
Hi Suzanne,
I can’t comment i fo on the exact things you’re taking about but boy do I understand the health anxiety 😢
After a really busy day today, and then eating fast food and ice cream (seldom do I eat those lovely things anymore lol) I’m laying in bed and feel digestive issues, heart palpitations and those lovely little inside body tremors.
Takes everything I have to stay calm.
Just wanted to comment and remind you you’re not alone in your fear and that health anxiety REALLY stinks.
karen66219 Guest
Ah geez, you sound like me! It's awful isn't it? The health anxiety. A couple of weeks ago I was sure I had thyroid cancer. I came home from work with a sore throat. A couple of years ago, I would think "oh goodness, I am coming down with a cold, I better take some Zinc and gargle with salt water." But lately? Oh no...oh hell no! What did I do you ask? I frantically did symptom checker on some website. You see symptoms of thyroid cancer include sore throat, hoarseness of voice, fatigue, it can even cause hot and cold flashes.
I spin myself completely out..."oh no! this whole time I thought it was peri, but I have really had cancer! For four years now! How did my doctor miss this?" I go on more and more websites, looking at treatment options for my thyroid cancer and lo and behold I come across lymphoma! I face-palm thinking, "oh no, it is worse than I thought! Lymphoma!" I pace the carpet in a frenzy until my husband comes home. I make him feel my lymph nodes.
Me: "Honey, do these swollen to you?"
Him: "yes and you sound stuffy, you should take some Nyquil."
Me: "I am pretty sure it is worse than that."
Him" "I don't think so."
I go to bed in a huff, upset that hubby does not care more about my thyroid cancer and lymphoma. Of course, I wake up with a full blown cold. Sigh. This sucks, doesn't it? Health anxiety is the is up there with panic attacks, all day anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, dizzy spells. Anxiety sucks in general!
Honestly though, if you really believe that you have a serious condition you should get it checked out. I would wait a day or two though, because I know that lately I have been known to over-react. I think a lot of us here do. The worst part about it though, is how real it is at the time. I feel for you, I really do. I honestly believe that if that was your condition, your doctor would have found it. From what I can tell, you sound like you keep pretty on top of your health
Str8tfans karen66219
I constantly diagnose myself with horrible things.
I’m getting a little better about it in the last like four months but last year at this time I was POSITIVE I was dying.
Still here a year later knock on wood lol.
Health anxiety is my MOST hated symptom.
caroline62395 Str8tfans
christine66659 karen66219
caroline62395 christine66659