Got My Labs Back Very High DHEA
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my dhea levels were a 322 ug/dl they should be between 22-172. Anyone else have this problem. My hormone levels are going down but she said this can cause anxiety, depression, fatigue and hard on your adrenals.
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mary27278 deedee63350
debra16694 mary27278
Hi Dee Dee & Mary - My DHEA is high & so is my cortisol - I am post menopause, but feel horrible most days...I have been thinking I must have adrenal fatigue, but some of my symptoms don’t match up - would you mind sharing what your symptoms have been? Thank you!
deedee63350 mary27278
mary27278 debra16694
Hi Debra, I've been going through perimenopause for over one year now. Though, im sure it started before than now that i think about it. But the severe symptoms started 16 months ago, and it is almost a daily thing. I've had many symptoms such as digestive issues, (stomach is constantly palpitating) , heart palps, body aches, dizziness, lightheadness, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, weigh loss, tingling and burning sensation, dryness, irritation, frequent urination, zero labido, hair loss, bloating..these are some though it may be more. Right now I'm dealing with frequent urination, heart palps ( seem to be very frequent) irritation and dryness. I am usually wired up all day long with heart palpitations then evening everything starts to calm down. My doctor thinks that based on my lab work, my adrenals are hyper instead of fatigue. Its pushing out too much adrenanline. I just made an appt to see an endocrinologist, one that i saw years ago. I had issues then but nothing like this. I was treated for pcos and insulin resistance. No other doctor knew the problem then but this one. So, im going back to her to figure out whats going on. But of course, my appt is not until Sept. What are your symptoms?
debra16694 mary27278
mary27278 debra16694
Hi Debra, The hair loss has decreased since i just cut it off. When I first started I had the burning sensation really bad , I started taking certain supplements which seem to help. I also found out that some of the burning in my back was really gas being trapped along with the haywired hormones. Debra, Ive gone to so many doctors and specialists, they dont seem to know how to treat this. Im going to pm you a person i talked to today, a Master herbalist known around the world. He's putting together something for me now thats guaranteed to help me. I hope it does because i am desperate.
christina81747 deedee63350