GP Appointment
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Hello all
I have had Fibro plus many other illnesses for over 30 years.
My tolerance to the unrelenting pain is getting much worse and I am already on a cocktail of pain medication.
HOWEVER, my doctor is very skeptical of the amount of pain I am in.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can explain to her just how much the pain is affecting my life?
She has just started me on BruTrans patches and as I already suffer from GAD (Anxiety disorder) and am extremely jumpy already, the patches seem to be making me much much worse and are not helping at all with any pain relief.
I have an appointment tomorrow morning to review how I am doing on the patches.
I guess I am asking 2 questions really.
1. How do I tell my doctor how bad my pain is?
2. Has anyone been on BruTans patches and had side effects in the first couple of weeks.
Many thanks in advance. Hugs to all
Bluebell xx
1 like, 12 replies
janet26165 Bluebell21
I would write down how it affects you, like cooking causes pain and write down the level of pain it causes. Use 1-10 to score it. I would just lay it out to them. If you can't get anywhere with your GP you could ask to see another doctor.
I haven't had the patches, so can't really help there.
Good luck with your appointment. Take care and gentle hugs
Bluebell21 janet26165
She is not very compassionate. I've tried seeing a different doctor but she was even worse!
Take care. Hugs xx
JulieBadger Bluebell21
Sorry you are struggling in clear communication with your Gp. I have had M.E. & Fibro as similar amount of time and unfortunately the pain too seems to be getting to me more these days.
Medical people often relate pain as a 1-10 rating with 10 you rolling around the hospital floor in agony.
You mention Fibro but not M.E. in my experience of having both the pain is different. Have you got M.E./cfs. I personally think doctors take more notice of cfs than they do of Fibro. It might be worth u researching M.E./cfs before tomorrow. Godd luck x
Bluebell21 JulieBadger
Thanks for your answer. Yes, I have CFS and anxiety, depression, IBS etc., etc.
I don't do myself any favours because I get up and dressed and move around all the time. Sitting for any length of time is excrutiating.
I had to list my symptoms for my ESA claim and there were 27!
I have PTSD too, but my GP just looks bored. I am so utterly fed up of the pain. It affects everything I do.
Sorry, I'm rambling xx
kaz_40 Bluebell21
Bluebell21 kaz_40
I will let you know how I get on.
Gentle hugs xx
cherl450 Bluebell21
i totally agree with janet by writing it down but for mei kind of lost my rag and told them we wouldnt see a animal suffer so why are they letting me suffer and they refered me to pain clnic and now i take liduid morphine when pain gets bad tramdol to keep it steady the patches didnt work for me, althoughpain not totally gone its alot more manageable unless i have a big flare up when i overdo things then i need doc out to give me a jab hope this helps
love cherl xxx
Bluebell21 cherl450
I take Oramorph for break through pain and Tramadol already as well as a couple of other meds.
I get the impression my GP simply doesn't believe me.
I had an out of hours GP give me a jab before. It was the first time in 30 years I had no pain. It lasted an hour or so and was bliss.
Take care
bronwyn97278 Bluebell21
Bluebell21 bronwyn97278
Many thanks for your reply.
Yes I have seen a Rheumatologist. He diagnosed me and referred me back to my GP.
I am already on the max dose of Gabapentin and tried Amitrypyline which had absolutely no effect on me at all.
That is one of the problems. I am already on a lot of pain meds which just aren't working.
I have researched Fibro a fair bit and have had it for over 30 years.
I have told my GP the meds I am on are the best I have had but she is determined to take as many away from me as she can.
It is 2am and this is already the 3rd time I've been up since 10pm. The pain in my knees is keeping me awake.
I am severely depressed and beyond tired.
Thank you for your thoughts
kaz_40 Bluebell21
elaine85769 Bluebell21
You know its very hard to get others to know how awful the pain is,where
and when-once its diagnosed you have to really find your own ways of acceptance,
And that in itself is hard-because when u go to Doc u may be on a good Day.
So,just say this Phantom Pain is sometimes everywhere and today its....
I have used Patches but not sure of one that I can tell medicine is causing me any noticeable problems except,the pain is better.