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Hi all...
For the past several weeks I've been lamenting over the humongous amount of weight I've gained (47lbs) in such a short period of time.
Just a few minutes ago, I had sorta an epiphany....
I was sitting on the side of my bed feeling embarrassed and depressed....what am I gonna wear today that I'll feel "somewhat" attractive (or even o.k.) in??
I happened to gaze at my suddenly "chubby" arms with dismay when I immediately felt GREATFUL for!!
I've got 2 arms!
And hey...looky there!...I've got 2 legs and I can walk (albeit slowly)...BUT, I CAN walk!
Maybe this feeling is fleeting....but I just wanted to share it with everyone๐
This world is SO crazy, so much ugliness everywhere....
Sometimes we need to just count our blessings....
Just sayin'....
3 likes, 32 replies
Silver49 lynda62707
I was trying to think of something to reply to your post about how you are not wanting to see friends because of the weight gain, Lynda. I am glad you have reached a better place regarding the extra weight even if it doesn't last. I understand what you mean about the weight gain because I felt a bit like that but made up my mind to just get out there and do as much as I could. I realised that I could be a few years older before all the weight drops off and I would have lost that part of my life. Despite the Cushingoid face I made myself do some things I had never done before and had a great time. There have been opportunities that may never come round again and I may have regretted not taking the chance. What we have to remember is true friends love us as we are. A pile of weight is not going to change that and socialising with friends and people whose company we enjoy is good for our mental wellbeing. Not a lecture but a personal observation from my own PMR journey. I hope how you are feeling now will stay with you but human nature being as it is we all fluctuate a bit. Best wishes
lynda62707 Silver49
Thanks Silver....
I awoke this A.m. to yet another mass shooting here in California.
Besides all the political "junk" (sorry folks, I KNOW this is pmr forum and won't get on my soapbox) going on right now, everything seems SO dark right now. Maybe part of it's just me and my frame of mind, but I don't THINK so!
This has always been my Favorite time of the birthday and the holidays...I'm trying to find the Joy again as I've always had!
Yes, this feeling may not last (although I hope to hold on to it for awhile)....but you are certainly correct...if I waste it and shut myself off from family/friends/good times, I'll be the loser (and so will my loved ones whom I'd be depriving of my smiling face!)๐๐ถ
nancy02150 lynda62707
so good to remember the good things and not dwell on what isn't any more...I have curly hair after 75 years of straight stuff...wlll it disappear with dropping pred....I don't care just glad I have hair. The weight...wasn't it dreadful how fast it appeared...seems in two weeks I was filled in the midriff with a hard fat tire. so I wear big shirts to feel better. I am also being good with carbs and sweets and seeing slow results....I have a Gala to go to in 10 days and the dress I struggled to make doesn't meet when the zipper sad as the dress is beautiful and I was looking forward to wearing it. Will keep aware of food intake and maybe after the NY will be rewarded. Keep a smile as it's easier on the face and eyes than crying. Hugs to US on in our PMR/GCA journeys.
lynda62707 nancy02150
hi Nancy....funny you should mention your curly hair!
I too, have had long, stick-straight hair my entire life.
It's now course and curly ๐.
I'm okay with that (I guess), but tell me....HOW do you take care of it????
Seriously, I'm at a loss. I can hardly comb/brush thru it...and I've got LOTS of hair!
I actually had to reschedule an appointment this week as I couldn't brush my hair! This probably sounds SO pathetic, but it really has become a problem. of course, the fact I've got pmr related problems in my hands/arms/shoulders, makes the problem 2x worse!
have you any suggestions?
btw...hope you have a Great time at your Gala and you'll probably look gorgeous!
r.d.s26296 lynda62707
lynda hi there
you are definitely in the right company regarding pmr ... unfortunately all of us are in the same boat ...we understand you completely dear..
regarding you hair.. try putting loads of hair conditioner and then use an anti tangle hair brush ..This brush is designed specially for children who have long tangled hair..
hope this helps. STAY are not alone ...
EileenH lynda62707
A really good cut is essential - and not one designed for a blow dry. Experiment with conditioners and wash it less often. You'll get the hang of it - but the cut is basic!
ptolemy nancy02150
I was thrilled to bits to get curly hair having had straight, fine hair all my life so far. It did start to look like a very dry haystack to start with so I had it cut short and it really worked. Just a quick blow dry and people say how young I am looking!
celia14153 lynda62707
Lynda, you're great. You have such a warm heart and such a zest for life in spite of all your troubles. That's what counts, not a bit of extra weight, chubby cheeks or unexpectedly curly hair (or lack of it!). You carry on being you - and that also redresses some of the miseries the world throws up from time to time. Remember for every ghastly act by sad and lost people there are stunning acts of bravery and small acts of kindliness from people living their lives as best they can. I'll get off my soap box now ๐
lynda62707 celia14153
Dearest Celia...thank you for your VERY kind words!!!
Been watching the news all day and you are SO right about the kind acts of many folks are coming forth to assist with helping the victims and their families affected by this latest mass hopeful to see!
when we open our hearts to other's dispare, it often makes our own troubles pale....๐๐
ptolemy lynda62707
I was cheered up today, I was trudging along to the swimming pool in the drizzle when there was a shout behind me and a man came up with a huge umbrella and walked with me to the door. I suppose as I was going swimming it did not make much difference, but it really cheered me up. Then after my swim I had a panini and the guy in the restaurant gave me an extra half so it was a good day!!
lynda62707 ptolemy
YAYYYY Ptolemy....sounds like a great day!!!
I on the other hand, have been consumed with our state (California) on fire, the aftermath of a horrific mass shooting, and a Very Dark political climate!๐๐ฐ.
It's been a VERY LONG week
On the flip side, my puppy is laying beside me giving me kisses right now AND tomorrow is a new day!!
ptolemy lynda62707
The fires look dreadful, really frightening. Those poor people. Also a shooting in Melbourne too. What is the world coming to?
I forgot to say yesterday I won fifty pound on the lottery too, so a very good day. On the other hand I am not sure where the extra half panini came from! Perhaps it is better not knowing.
lynda62707 ptolemy
LOLOL Ptolemy....better to NOT know where the half came from!!
๐ tee-hee, a few "little" germs helps build up one's immune system!
How much is 50lbs?
Sorry, I'm an American! LOL
EileenH lynda62707
No = ยฃ50, 50lbs is weight ๐ About $65
ptolemy lynda62707
I should have said 50 pounds sterling = 64.89 dollars.
lynda62707 ptolemy
lol....So now you can gi buy another panini (or 2!).
and yes, the fire's ARE dreadful and Tragic!
So Many folks have lost their homes and belongings....lives lost, people injured ...
the air is so incredibly AWFUL....
my eyes haven't stopped watering and Burning for 24+hrs....throat is RAW, I feel like it's bleeding ...
I have to try and dash to get groceries later....DREADING IT!!
please wish me luck๐
ptolemy lynda62707
I know how you feel, it is pouring with rain hear too.
lynda62707 ptolemy
where's here??? Boy, wish you'd send some rain our way!! We could REALLY use it!...