Green Light Laser Blood In Urine
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I am posting for my father and I am just trying to find any relatable stories to help abate any worries I might have and certainly his as well.
So starting from the beginning my father was diagnosed with BPH several years ago. He had a high pc but nothing that was truly concerning yet. In August of last year he was diagnosed with sever hernieted disc in his back and required surgery. This will get on topic I promise. He had the surgery and an unfourtunte sid effect was post operative BPH and Urinary Retention. Several days after the surgery he required a catheter. Sever weeks after seeing a urologist is was recommended that he get the Green Light Laser surgery to relieve his BPH.
In November he got the Green Light Laser Surgery and my father came home with the catheter. Numerous complication arose from the surgery including several weeks of urninary retnetion. Two hospital stays for severe urinary retention and catheter almost all the way through December. Following that was severe inflamation in his knees to the point where he couldnt stand. Another hospital stay with no official diagnosis but the consensus being pseduo gout brings us to february. Early february my father told me he began seeing blood in his urine along with rather large clots. This has been happening sporadically over the last few weeks and after constant urging from me he has set up appointments with GP and Urologist. I don't know why he has waited this long but this is where we are. This is not a little urine its is Gross Hematuria with sporadic blood clots. I suppse quite a while of being poked, sliced, and prodded made father weary of going to to the doctor however he is taking care now.
My questions are essentially has anyone expericend long term symptoms like this? Is blood in urine typical or even a side effect of green light laser this long after the procedure? Over the last sever months he has had numerous cystoscopes which should have revealed things like cancer as well as blood and urine analyis. So cancer is still weighing heavily on all of us a concern but is it more likely to be something else?
Thank You all in advanced.
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frank74205 SP1989
Hi, It's terrible what is happening with your father. I am 87 years old i have urine retention ,cannot not pee without CIC, I have been doing this for 6 months. Maybe your dad should talk to the URO about this. How old is your dad? How long did he have complete urine retention before surgery? I assume you had urodynamics test to check his bladder
They wanted to do GL surgery on me also,instead i am doing CIC.I don't know if i will keep one doing this ,as i was told i have 50 or 60 % chance of still not being able to pee after surgery.
Hope all gets better for your dad,
kenneth1955 frank74205
Frank how are you doing with CIC. Any easier. SP Father got his retenion fro back surgery. It was wrontg for them to do the GL on him without seeing if it wou heal on his own. Had a catheter in until surgery. To me that was not right. They should hav waited to see if his bladder would have worked itself out. They would not have done that to me. I had retention from the dye that they used on me when I had a stent put in my heart. It took me 9 hours to pee 50cc. The nurse kept coming in and tell me that they would have to catheter me. I told them no. Also it hell trying to pee laying flat on your back. They let me get up about 2 hour later and was able after 10 minute in the bathroom I got 200 cc more. Don't let them experiment on you. You doctor was at least up fryou and tell you if you had a turp or GL you would still have to do CIC. So why have it. Take it easy Ken
lester90053 frank74205
I am your age and 4 years ago I had GL due to retention. After 8 months of bloody recovery I was OK until 3 years later when I was involved in an auto accident which caused retention to recurr for another 8 months when it suddenly returned to normal. In the meantime they wanted me to undergo TURP. I'm glad I refused.
frank74205 kenneth1955
Hi Ken,Cic is still ok.It's not the same as a normal void,however it's good to be alive. I guess there are a lot of reasons why urine retention can happen. I thought it was from an enlarged prastate.or bladder problem.Like you said SP got his retention from back surgery.How long did that last? I wonder? And you got retention from the dye. I have had urine retention since June 2016.
Maybe i could get lucky like Jim,and get back to normal Void. I thinks it was a miracle with Jim. Ken does your URO believe the bladder could rehabilate by doing CIC.
Thanks for for your concern ken,
frank74205 lester90053
kenneth1955 frank74205
oldbuzzard frank74205
frank74205 kenneth1955
Hi Ken, I wonder why these urologists don't agree on CIC could rehablitate your bladder? I don't get it? Did you URO say this is possible?
Thanks Ken ,Your a great guy.
kenneth1955 frank74205
Yes he did say it's possible. He also said that a uroliftcoud help but he would not know until its done. He also said that if you had a urolift the prostate would be pulled apart and make CIC easyier for you. I thi treason most doctor don't want you to do CIC is because they would lose out on doing the surgery. That is were they make there living Ken