Gurgling in the stomach, constipation. What is it? Is there a connection with the diet and supplemen

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4 hours after having a breakfast when I stood up from the bed, I've heard (and felt) some fluid gurgling in my stomach area. Is it in my stomach or in the small intestine? Is it a sign of constipation? In fact, few days ago I've passed 2 days without bowel movement. In the breakfast I've eaten cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut, chicken and broth, and a lot of olive and coconut oil (keto diet). I'm on such a diet for the last 1,5 weeks and the problem has occured only few days ago. Also, I take a probiotic supplement for the last 2–3 weeks and have started taking inulin and arabinogalactan (prebiotics) 4–5 days ago. I also wonder if I might had developed SIBO. My psychological symptoms has improved in the beginning of the diet and supplementing. I think, it's mainly due to avoiding grains, legumes and nuts. I even avoid fruits right now as I'm not sure if they are gut friendly. Anyway, I hope someone will give me some suggestions based on the mess of information I've provided. I'll answer any question. Thank you!

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4 Replies

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    Forgot to add: Now, my psychological state is bad again. I'm anxious, brain foggy and weak.

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    And I experience nausea.
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    Your small intestine is your stomach and your large intestine is your bowel.  Diet change and probiotics can cause bowel habit change when you first start them.  Did your problems start before all these supplements or did they appear after taking them?  Try coming off all the things you are taking and see if your symptoms go away. There are many foods that contain probiotics.
  • Posted

    You dont say over at period of time all these changes have been made?    If its o ly 1 - 2 weeks there hAs been alot  for the digestionto cope with.    Treat the constipation first but sliwly introduce more fibre and fluid.

    i find i get anxious wIthout regular BM s.

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