Gut Issues
Posted , 10 users are following.
Is there anyone else besides me with gut issues since peri started?
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Posted , 10 users are following.
Is there anyone else besides me with gut issues since peri started?
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laz1 mary27278
What kind of gut issues? I'm 45, never had stomach issues until recently. I've been suffering for 5 months now. I've been told perimenopause can cause it.
mary27278 laz1
I've been having since the beginning of peri started in 2017, but ive had periods of it getting better but lately its been constant. I'm very constipated, cant seem to go unless i take something, stomach feels nausea, bloated , stomach pains (lately but never had this one before), lost weight ( not the usual gain with peri) and cant seem to gain any back, food allergies out of this world. For some odd reason its like my gut is triggering my hot flash. It has made me so depressed...
laz1 mary27278
I can so relate. I'm down 30 lbs since June. I'm nauseous daily, have stomach burning, and no appetite some days. I've been to countless drs, been told its GERD, and functional dyspepsia. (nerves in stomach aren't working properly) due to anxiety. I'm over it too. I'm depressed too, can't work, no social life.
mary27278 laz1
I know exactly how you feel and what you 're going through. Have you done any diagnostic testing? I haven't done any since last year ( ultrasound) . I was having the gut issue but nothing like this. I was constipated only still able to eat. I have anxiety too, its like the gut feels anxious. I want to go get it checked again but my health anxiety is overboard. I did a colonoscopy and endoscope in 2017 and told it was gastritis , gerd, and hiatal hernia.
laz1 mary27278
I did have an endoscopy and an ultrasound of the gallbladder. I was told gerd and now functional dyspepsia ( nerves in stomach not working right) My health anxiety has been through the roof since all of this started.
renee61138 mary27278
Never had an issue before this. I'm 42 and now I can not have dairy nor onions or a few other things. I have gerd and ibs sucks. It's bad enough that I put a little weight on but with the bloat on top not even spanks can help lol☺☺
mary27278 renee61138
I have many food allergies, and I also have gerd too but with me i'm the opposite . Ive lost weight instead of gain. Cant seem to gain any back.
jen78653 mary27278
Yes, I now have IBS and I need to be careful of eating certain foods. I used to have a high soy diet as I am a vegetarian but I had to give up soy due to gastro issues.
NothinforNothin mary27278
Try a high potency probiotic. It is very helpful for digestive issues. ❤️
mary27278 NothinforNothin
My dr had to order a customize supplement for me based on my gut results. I was told to stop any probiotic including yogurt because of the imbalances in the strain. I have to take the correct strain of probiotics. One was almost off the chart, so too much of one is not good.
NothinforNothin mary27278
That makes sense. I find green tea is good for digestive issues too but, in moderate amounts. I hope you find something that helps you!!!! Keep your stress and worry low. Don't read into too much on line that it could be. Sounds like you have a good doctor if he's customizing supplements for you. Hopefully he can figure out what's up. It could just be an annoying peri symptom though that may ease up over time. God knows I've had several of them. xo
amynewyork mary27278
I have lost 15 pounds (I am tiny) and slowly gaining back...
couldn't digest, my body could not absorb nutrients that I take. I am very weak since I have lost weight my legs are jelly like feeling....sleep problem as well...
mary27278 amynewyork
Are you able to digest and absorb now since you're trying to gain weight back?
Takingtime mary27278
Hi Mary, I have always had a nervous stomach since I was a child......but now I would say it has become more fussy. I definitely have a lot more constipation than before, and I bloat a lot more, I do get queasy at times, and if my anxiety gets bad I feel down right miserable. I haven't had tons of testing other than stool samples (fecal occult) and a modified barium swallow and a blood test to look for h pylori, all of which came back normal. I find when I try to keep my stress levels down and stay positive I feel pretty good, but if I feel anxious over something I feel sick to my stomach. I think we are so much more sensitive at this stage of our lives, that every little thing starts to bother us causing unwanted anxiety, which then causes horrible symptoms.