gyanae appointment
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After having a very heavy bleed 2 weeks ago my dr sent me for a gynae clinic appointment but now I haven't bled at all not even a spot. I am concerned that now I am wating their time but at the same time worried that it will happen again I thought I was going to pass out
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Jokey caroline114
caroline114 Jokey
emmy18124 caroline114
Doing a hysterectomy because of the 3 small fibroids? Couldn't they just remove the fibroids?
caroline114 emmy18124
They haven't fully decided yet they are waiting for the result of the tisue they took from the cervix and in 5 weeks I have to go back but they can't fit a coil as they way I am inside so he said because of the heavy bleeding and the fibroids it might be the best option
emmy18124 caroline114
Very heavy bleeding is normal during perimenopause, but it's good to talk to a Dr, and NOT wasting their time.