Had a death date dream, severely anxious ever since. Need help.

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Hi, in connection to a relatives passing and also being severly depressed I had a sleep hallucination saying I will die at a certain year. First I thought it was an extremely vivid nightmare but as time went by I was reading more into it to the point where I am severely anxious and confused. Olease if anyone has anything reassuring to say or had a similar experience I would so appriciate it.



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5 Replies

  • Edited

    going to sound a little weird but maybe a reason why. Think back and remember what film/ tv series or advert you may of watched in the last week and do any of them have this within the genre. Its funny how your mind can unconsciously see something and then relate it back as a dream which appears real

    • Posted

      I had a relative passing and went to a funeral so death was on my mind. Having an anxiety disorder has made it into something bigger than it should be and I just dont know how to move passed it.

  • Edited

    you are OK. Don’t overthink this. You had a death in the family and you also have depression. that’s the cause of your experience.

    The Brain will put these together and very often people will have weird dreams or thoughts of the past or future. It’s not based on fact or reality. Nobody truly knows the future. The best thing you can do is let that thought drift out of your mind and watch it disappear. Definitely not worth getting anxious or upset over.

    • Posted

      Its just that it was more if a sleep hallucination (poor sleep and anxiousness) somewhere between sleeping and waking and I have never had an experience like that. But anyone finding out the time of their death through a dream sound s lot more fiction than fact. I am normally very grounded just depressed. Nothing to worry about?

    • Posted

      absolutely nothing to worry about. Remember that anxiety can cause all sorts of weird things that go on in the mind., Especially when it’s between sleep and wake. Sometimes those are the strangest ones. But there is no way in the world that it has any significance. it really sounds like the event of your relative passing stuck in your mind even subconsciously and it came out in that strange way. don’t even give it a second thought.

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