Had a sexual encounter 2 months ago this is my update
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I had a sexual encounter on March 15th 2018. the encounter was unprotected handjob for about 2 minutes and protected oral sex. after this encounter I experienced symptoms that lasted two months. The symptoms were many different things. after two weeks of exposure I took an STD Panel test a regular one. Everything came out negative. I wasn't fully convinced so around 5 weeks after exposure I took an HIV RNA test and a herpes 2 test from LabCorp. around 3 days the results came in both of those were negative. I have seen countless doctors and all of them have told me I cannot get HIV Or herpes that way. but my symptoms beg to differ. it has been two months after exposure I have taken another STD Panel test. my symptoms that I am still currently having our sore throat that has lasted for around 3 weeks And irritation on my penis. Since i havent made my 3rd month mark im not sure what it could be. I believe is HIV.
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david911 james2606
It's natural to get so worried when we have fear that we might have exposed ourselves to HIV. But I can tell you right now that getting it from a hand job is highly unlikely.
First, you've got to understand that this virus is extremely weak outside the body. But when contact is made via mucous membranes, such as unprotected sex, then it's a higher chance. But once it's exposed to the air, that virus has a few minutes to expire. Your symptoms, based on what you call exposure, is obviously on your mind. But again, you probably have something else going on, such as untreated viral flu. HIV should be the least of your worries! I say this with almost 100% confidence. Just relax your mind. I wouldn't lose any sleep over what you're experiencing if I were you.
james2606 david911
david911 james2606
You're getting worse only because you're getting so much better at stressing yourself. Channel your attention to something else until it all blows away. But seriously, nothing is wrong with you.
james2606 david911
david911 james2606
I can't wait to see that you were wrong all this while. I will make a believer out of you.
james2606 david911
david911 james2606
Relax your mind; you'll be fine.
james2606 david911
Maybe until my 3rd month test and these symptoms go away but until then I don't know what to do.
Guest james2606
James - you don't need to test for HIV. You are WASTING your time, doctor's time and money man. I am just being honest and you will soon see that your results will prove my post right. The virus is not transmitted via what you have described above. If you took an RNA test, it would have shown up as early as day 10.
Just because your have a sore throat, it does not mean you have HIV. Now, find a good doctor, tell him what happened and move on to something else. You could just have ended up with a viral cold from messing with a nasty woman and contact dermatitis on your penis, which is common and perhaps caused by the condom. Look, I am not diagnosing you here but giving you an example of other factors.
james2606 Guest
I understand what you are telling me but like im saying it's not anxiety. I physically feel something and its not in my head. The problem is that getting checked makes it worse because when you go get checked you expect a diagnostic from what you are feeling but when you are feeling symptoms out of after and exposure that you have never felt before and they tell you it's nothing multiple times. How do expect to feel when you arent getting better. Like you guys maybe its not HIV but it's something, and that something not even a doctor can't figuter it out.
Guest james2606
hivthrowaway199 james2606
Don’t worry about a thing.
james2606 hivthrowaway199
I know it's something else but it's not anxiety. I could forget about it and not worry about things but the problem is that I can't because how I feel physically. That's why i know its something because I am physically feeling something that I can't control.