had fall, after, bloods were very high.
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Has anyone had a nasty fall and then had high ESR, CRP, esr was 90, CRP 98.9, the highest I have ever had. Another blood test today will determine if things have improved. Another interesting thing, Dr. put me onto a course of Antibiotics for possibly having a bacteria infection which I had approx. 1 year ago, and after being on the Antibiotics have felt much better and the pains in legs and arms have subsided a great deal. Has anyone heard of antibiotics used in treating this PMR?
Also I have had slight nose bleeds, which I have never suffered from in the past, is this a common thing on Prednisone? Dr could not tell me if so or not. I am still on 9mgs of Predn. have tried to go down to 8mgs, with no luck, back upto 9mgs, will possibly stay on the 9mgs for another couple of weeks and then try and taper down. Thank you T
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denisep911 track
I'm antibiotics for Lyme as well
My dr thinks there could be some connection to bacteria infections and PMR
erika59785 track
Yes, I had noticed when I was on antibiotics that PMR muscle pain in arms and lower back were much less. There might be a correlation that antibiotics also fight inflammation to some degree, but I don't think we should take antibiotics as a treatment plan for PMR.
nick67069 track
FlipDover_Aust track
I've never heard of antibiotics being used to treat PMR, mostly because they don't! your Dr probabaly suspects another cause for the raised markers, such as an infection.
Anecdotally a lot of people have a viral infection with antibiotic treatment just prior to developing PMR, myself included.
No bloody noses, but I do get subconjunctival hemorrhages in my eyes (bloodshot) that I never had before.
track FlipDover_Aust
diana21296 track
constance.de track
I had antibiolics for something else a while ago and was surprised that I had vertually no PMR pain, the first time for months!! Coincidence? I don't know! However, we cannot take antibiotics for too long, much too dangerous.
kitsalley track
denisep911 track
He explained that prednisone can cuz eye problems
However I just have dry eyes and left with drops
EileenH track
Some antibiotics do have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are also a few reports in the literature about patients responding well to abx.
A colleague told me some years ago that his wife had had PMR but had bad pred side effects so he discussed management with the local rheumatology department (in Hungary and I think he is medically qualified) and they tried longterm antibiotics - which apparently worked well and she went into remission. That's all I know though - no details of which antibiotic/dose or duration.
Have you ever been tested for Lyme disease?
Trauma can also cause raised ESR and CRP - but I'm surprised the CRP went up so high.
track EileenH
Thanks Eileen,
Interesting about the antibiotics helping that lady, I can certainly feel a difference.
Had bloods taken Friday will get result this week to see if ESR,CRP has changed, will let you know.
track EileenH
No I have not had the Lyme D. Test, the disease is not recognised by the Govt. here as we do not have the Lyme tick, though there is concern that an overseas-acquired Lyme disease being imported into Oz. I have seen patients on the T.V who are Aussies saying they have the disease and it looks really horrible, the severe seizures they have are just terrible. The blood tests carried out here say they do not have it, so a couple of these patients have sent their blood to America and it comes back positive, though they are looked at as false positives. The tick with the Borrelia infection which creates Lyme D, does not live here, mainly Nth Europe, Nth Asia, and Eastern Europe and of course America. A couple of patients tested here have had evidence of infection detected, though when the cases have been followed up the infections have been acquired overseas.
We do have different ticks in Oz, though not that particular one which causes Lyme D. It is a terrible disease, I feel sorry for the people who have been unfortunate to have it. The symptoms are similar to PMR,
though the seizures do not seem to occur with PMR.
EileenH track
Something similar happened in the UK at first - "we don't have the ticks". But they do and finally it was recognised that it was present in the New Forest. And of course, once it is there it can spread between animals.
I do sometimes wonder if Oz is a bit too confident in its ability to prevent nasties getting into the country because of its draconian measures (which I think are perfectly reasonable by the way) - after all, Jonny Depp brought animals in and there is nothing to say others haven't done so too...
Anhaga EileenH
We've just been told this summer that the ticks can also hitch a ride on birds, so for the first time we've been told that we are all at risk even in the city (Halifax, Canada).
denisep911 track
But through my travels I contacted it and obviously had it a long time
track denisep911
denisep911 track
Thank you
However I really don't know if it's the Lyme or pmr that's bothering me the most
I was 1st diagnosed with the pmr and then blood and labs showed Lyme. I just grateful to have some kind of reason why all the pain
I've been diagnosed with fibromyaglia
Lupus mctd and ebv. Wow I'm exhausted just trying to figure out all of this
Thank you all for your response ??
Anhaga denisep911
denisep911 Anhaga
Possibly. I've been dealing with this for a few years. This is the second or third test for Lyme and this time it showed positive I already started prednisone for PMR
So I've been on antibiotics for about 6 weeks and should be tested again soon. Thank you for asking
Anhaga denisep911
I really hope you'll be on the road to recovery very soon!
denisep911 Anhaga
How are you doing with this disease?
Anhaga denisep911
Hi Denise. Thank you for asking. I'm doing quite well, having been able to reduce to nearly 3 mg - just hoping that level will stick, so to speak, as I hope I haven't overshot my lowest possible dose. It's taken thirteen months and counting since starting at 15 mg.