Had intense neck pain for years...

Posted , 3 users are following.

But was originally told "wear and tear"!  This pain is an intense spot on left side of neck deep in where the skull meets the spine. It can be bought on by posture e.g. Sitting reading or at laptop or just peeling spuds! It can be reduced by paracetamol. Just wondering if there is any point getting further treatment? Any feedback appreciated.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I was going to send you a link which might be useful but you have diasbled the messaging feature.

    I'll post the link but it may or may not be approved

  • Posted

    Hi Happyhacker,

    I had pain for several yrs also, trauma didn't help, then a surgeon looked at my MRI I had degenerative disc had the surgary now get nerv block procedure with a specialist 2 times a year.

    Just a thought you cando the research. God bless u!

    • Posted

      Was the surgery worth it then? Perhaps the prognosis was bad? Thanks.
    • Posted


      I've just been diagnosed with c5/6 wear and tear degenaritive changes. Seen a neuro surgeon who said surgery will sort the mild intermittent tingling in arm.but wont cure the bad pain in my neck, shoulder and back. Was wondering if you could share your experience of this with your surgery.

      Many thanks x

  • Posted

    It was very worth it! I now have a plate in c5c6 servical disc, I was almost imobolized, such pain. Great surgary

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