Had my 4 the fil (7ml in ) hurts to drink

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I've had another 0.6mil in my band bringing me up to 7ml now but now I am struggling to keep liquids down and it hurts to drink and can only manage half a slice of toast and I'm bringing it back up any advice would be great I am under some stress at the mo also I am on my monthly cycle so could this be effecting it or have I to much in my band

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    if you have had your fill in the last 48 hrs then i would try and ride it out for a day or so longer if poss cos it can take 2 or 3 days to settle down but dont put up with it for any longer as it does sound like you are too tight - often fill providers require a liquid diet for up to a wk after a fill and to be honest i cant eat bread at all - it is one of the foods which are a big NO  NO for most bandsters so forget the toast and concentrate on soft/liquid food for a few days to see how things go - if you cannot even keep liquids down you really do need to seek help and get a bit of a defill - i would say to take out half of what was put in at your last fill - good luck
  • Posted

    Toast!!? WOW!! I'm with Bandid, bread isn't something on my menu until I'm 'loose' enough and almost ready for a fill. 

    If it hasn't settled down by now, get the 0.6 removed or reduced by 0.3

    Now that I'm in maintenance mode, when I go for a fill, I'm not allowed to leave the practice (I'm literally held hostage) unitl I am able to drink a full plastic cup of water in quick (well, fairly quick) sucession. If it stays down (she CHECKS!!) then I'm allowed to leave lol I then stay on liquids for 24-48 hours then soft food for another 48 hours I've been over filled twice before and I find this practice VERY helpful. 

    Hope you're feeling better now.

    • Posted

      Thanks both for your reply a since I posted I've not been able to keep anything down yesterday liquids or food yet today I can I'm very confused I'm going tomo for a defill hope I'm doin right thing
  • Posted

    it could be that it is starting to settle if you have only just had the fill in the last few days which is often the case - however a defill wont do any harm under the circumstances - drink some water whilst you are at your fill providers and see if it goes down - and stick to fluids or liquidised foods for a few days after wards

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