Had my first AFib episode. Now what?

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Hi all,

Last week I drove myself to hospital, thinking I was having a panic attack (I have anxiety and take Valdoxan for it) but instead ended up diagnosed with AFib.

I'm only 32 so was a bit suprised I was getting a cardioversion rather than grabbing some lunch that day.

It took two goes to get it back to normal.

I have yet to see my doctor let alone a cardiologist (and being in a small town with a doctor shortage this should test my anxiety for wait times).

I got the electro cardioversion three days ago and this evening have just experienced two instances of my heart fluttering/palpatating for less than 2 seconds. My chest has felt like there is a bit of air or pressure there for the past 5 hours prior to the two flutters. It still feels like this. But my heart is still pumping in a regular cycle.

At present I've been told to take aspirin daily until my doctor's appointment (another four days away).

Any advice or words of wisdom on what to expect for the next few weeks?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jenna,

    It's not unusual to feel palpitations after an afib episode and cardioversion, but that does not mean you're back in afib. The only way to tell is with an electro cardiogram. Did you make an appointment with a cardiologis or a GP? I strongly suggest you see a cardiologist first as they are much more knowledgeable about afib. Also, the usual protocol with electro cardioversion is to take a blood thinner such as pradaxa, xarelto, or eliquis for at least 30 days afer the episode. This would be instead of aspirin. You might want to call the hospital Monday and ask them about this. Alternatively, if you live in the United States, there are a number of internet medical services where you can consult with a doctor over the phone and they can prescribe medicine in many cases. You might want to check out the service run by Cleveland Clinic. I haven't used them but the have a good reputation.

    Meanwhile, I'd just relax until you see or talk to someone. Afib is a very common arrythmia and not life threatening and you should be able to go right back to your normal life, with your doctor's approval of course.

    But again, finding a good cardiologist is key. If you have to travel an hour or two to see one, it's well worth it. Good ones are often found at the larger, teaching hospitals.



  • Posted

    I notice many young people had anxiety/panic issue before they had afib.m, including me. There must be a link.
  • Posted

    Hi Jenna, I believe there could be a link. I had a lot of childhood traumas which affected my heartbeat, anxiety and panic levels all related to school bullying. So, it makes perfect sense to me.
  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for the quick response.

    I'm in Australia in a rural town which makes getting to a cardiologist a bit of a mission (have to go to doctor first to be referred to cardio).

    I was given Warfarin after the cardioversion but nothing more official there after... just told to take aspirin.

    Fortunately, Jim, I'm about an hr from a great teaching hospital that has a specialist unit across multiple disciplines so hopefully I get referred there.

    And yes, I also think there might be a link with the anxiety and traumas I've been through, especially in the last four years!

    Thank you again for your replies. It's amazing how much I thought I was handling it all. But as the days went on, I started to realise how much my confidence got it's teeth kicked in. So I appreciate your words smile

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