Had my gallbladder removed but still having the same attacks, has anybody else experienced this?

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Currently desperately writing this during one of my (unfortunately) regular sessions of being hunched over the toilet in agony at 2am!

I've suffered from gallstones for about 3 and a half years now; and after the longest time of not being taken seriously, told it was just acid reflux, and being hospitalized a few times with an inflamed liver and jaundice, I FINALLY had the damn thing removed in October last year.

I was so happy to finally be free and live a normal, fear free life, except I'm still suffering! If anything, my attacks are more frequent (around 3-4 times per week), more painful, and whilst I always used to feel just nauseous with them, I now vomit all the time from them and am unable to keep any painkillers down!

I'm waiting to be re referred back to the hospital but I'm absolutely at my wits end and honestly so exhausted from the agony of them. Has anybody else experienced anything similar and still having pain after their cholecystectomy?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Chelsey I might have one thing that might help. Did they scan you for stones stuck in bile system. This could be the cause of your illness. It happened to me. Please check . bye

    • Posted

      Thank you for your suggestion! I did have an MRI a few days after my surgery and I was stone free. I am unsure if I could've developed more stones since then without my gallbladder?

    • Posted

      yes Chelsey it is possible to develop stones after surgery. I did resulted in hospitalization for 2 weeks. Stuck in bile duct made me deathly sick. After surgery took about 4 to 5 months to fully recover.

    • Posted

      Maybe that could be what it is, hopefully my referral will come through soon and I can have a scan to check.

  • Posted

    Hi there

    I really feel for you, I had mine out last June and am still suffering, is it any food? I still can't eat fats which is such a b........... as I spent 3 years on the no fat diet!! My gp has tried fat binding powders and I am waiting a referal too.

    Hang in there I am sure this will get sorted.


    • Posted

      Oh bless you! Did anyone warn you it could still happen after surgery, because nobody told me! Even right after my surgery, the surgeon said I can live a totally normal life and eat whatever I want.

      I try to eat low fat but it doesn't really help, and I haven't been able to find a direct link to a food that causes it. In the past I have eaten massive takeaways and been totally fine and then a week later a small salad has knocked me out. It's always been so random!

      Thank you for sharing, I hope yours gets sorted quickly also!

    • Posted

      Hi Joanna, hello everyone here. You had a no-low fat diet? what kinds of food you eat? and did you lose a significant amount of weight? just curious..I for one currently on a low fat diet, no fried stuff, even most beef, no pork, occasional sweets. I Lost a good amount of weight..

  • Posted

    i had my gullbladder out in 2014. two years later the pain in right side came back with diarreha and could eat hardly anything. I got a prescription for cholestraymine. it is a powder that comes in packets in a box. after one box there was a significant difference. i then took a 50 billion probiotic, Flora urgent care probiotic and within two weeks pain gone, never to return. there is something after gullbladder that can happen, after removal. Google it and it will explain it. anyway try it, it wont hurt you.

    good luck.....

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